Values in education are what matter – The Hindu (June 06, 2016)

The goals of learning, according to UNESCO, are four: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live in harmony and learning to be. Value education embraces all of these.
Learning to know is quite different from learning merely to pass examinations. In learning to know, ‘how to think’ is more important than ‘what to think’. The bane of the current practice of schooling — even in the best of schools — is that students are not taught the art and science of thinking. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.
Today’s Words:
- Humane (noun) – ccompassionate, kind, kind-hearted, good-natured.
- Regimentation (noun) – tough organization. Ordering/controlling people.
- Bane (noun) – scourge, pain, distress, misfortune, burden.
- Rote-learning (noun) – a technique of learning which makes someone to memorise (in repetition) without understanding the subject.
- Subvert (verb) – destabilise, disrupt, unsettle, weaken.
- Implant (verb) – instil, inculcate, inject, imprint.
- Intrinsic (adjective) – integral, essential, vital, basic, fundamental.
- Expediency (noun) – convenience, advantage, benefit, usefulness.
- Bridge (verb) – join, link, connect, make difference smaller.
- Exemplify (verb) – typify, epitomise, demonstrate, symbolise.
- Societal (adjective) – related to society.
- Purblind (adjective) – lacking understanding, dim-witted.
- Harmony (noun) – concord, peace, friendship, union, goodwill.
- Attribute (verb) – ascribe, assign, credit, put down to.
- Suffocate (verb) – impede development of, feel oppressed. Feel trapped.
- Cut-throat (adjective) – pitiless, ruthless, aggressive, relentless.
- Undermine (verb) – subvert, weaken, impede, diminish.
- Wholeness (noun) – union, unity, togetherness.
- Acquisitive (adjective) – greedy, covetous, money grabbing, materialistic.
- Muster (verb) – gather together, congregate, assemble, cluster together.
- Stature (noun) – reputation, status, prestige.
- Inimical (adjective) – harmful, dangerous, hostile, destructive.
- Aggravate (verb) – make more serious.
- Disposition (noun) – inclination, leaning, proneness.
- Under-gird (verb) – support, strengthen, secure.
- Maxim (noun) – saying, slogan, aphorism, proverb.
- Endow (verb) – provide, give, gift, furnish.
- Empower (verb) – allow, permit, authorise.
- Bridle (verb) – curb, restrain, control, check.
- Drift (noun) – (slow and steady) movement,
- Gratify (verb) – satisfy, filfull, indulge, relieve.
- Chaos (noun) – disorder, disarray, disorganization, confusion, mayhem.
- Dissolution (noun) – disunion, separation, sundering.
- Sweep (noun) – range, reach, spread, ambit.
- Prophetic (adjective) – predictive, far-seeing, prognostic.
- Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from .
- Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press.
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