The Hindu Editorial (Farm fire) – Jan 02, 2025
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The Hindu Editorial (Farm fire) – Jan 02, 2025:
- press (for) (verb) – urge, pressure, put pressure on, pressurize, force, drive.
- talks (noun) – discussions, dialogue, negotiation, consultation, deliberation.
- sit-in (noun) – a method of protest in which people gather in a (public) place and remain there protesting continuously until their demands are fulfilled.
- owe allegiance to (phrase) – to be loyal to, to be faithful to, to have a duty to obey someone.
- allegiance (noun) – faithfulness, fidelity, obedience, adherence.
- indefinite (adjective) – endless, infinite, uncertain, unsettled, undefined.
- stand noun) – stance, position, perspective, attitude, point of view, viewpoint.
- draw the attention of/to (noun) – to make someone notice something or someone.
- solidarity (noun) – mutual support, unity, unanimity, harmony, cohesion, cooperation.
- aid (noun) – assistance, help, support, backing.
- outfit (noun) – group, unit.
- held past participle of hold (verb) – have, conduct, organize, arrange.
- legalised (adjective) – legal, legitimate, lawful, approved, authorized.
- Minimum Support Price (MSP) (noun) – it is a form of market intervention by the Government of India to give guaranteed price and assured market to the farmers and protect them from the price fluctuations and market imperfections. The guaranteed price and assured market are expected to encourage higher investment and in adoption of modern farming practices. The MSP is meant to set a minimum level of prices below which prices do not fall, and is announced by the government for 23 commodities. It is the price at which the government ‘promises’ to buy from farmers if market prices fall below it.
- National Commission on Farmers (NCF) (noun) – On November 18, 2004, the government of India formed the National Commission on Farmers (NCF), with MS Swaminathan (who is known as the Father of the Green Revolution in India) as its chairman. The main aim of the commission was to come up with a system for sustainability in farming system and make it more profitable and cost competitive in farm commodities.
- constitute (verb) – initiate, establish, create, set up, originate, begin/start.
- debt (noun) – liability, financial obligation, borrowed capital.
- loan/debt waiver (noun) – the borrower (farmer) is exempted from repayment of loan/debt due to a poor monsoon or natural calamity and the Centre or State governments which offer loan/debt waiver, will take over the liability of farmers and repay the banks.
- waiver (noun) – deferral, rejection, renunciation (with no stipulations/restrictions).
- Farm Acts, 2000 (noun) – Farm Acts, 2000 refer to three agricultural bills passed by Indian Parliament in September 2020. The three acts are “The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 (FPTC Act) allows farmers to sell their harvest outside the notified Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) mandis without paying any State taxes or fees”, “the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 facilitates contract farming and direct marketing”, and “the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020 deregulates the production, storage, movement and sale of several major foodstuffs, including cereals, pulses, edible oils and onion, except in the case of extraordinary circumstances”.
- repeal (verb) – invalidate, reverse, cancel, nullify, revoke.
- address (verb) – tackle, deal with, attend to, try to sort out.
- dialogue (noun) – discussions, talk, negotiation, consultation, deliberation, parley.
- ultimatum (noun) – (final) warning, demand, notice, conditions/terms.
- law and order (noun) – a condition in which the existing rules, regulations, norms and related legal codes are recognized and observed for the sustenance of peace, orderliness and security of lives and property in society.
- intertwine (verb) – connect/link closely.
- intertwined (adjective) – connected/linked closely.
- perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly, probably.
- interfere (verb) – intervene, mediate, step in, intrude, arbitrate, involve oneself, get involved.
- proactive (adjective) – energetic, motivated, farsighted, cautious, careful.
- preemptive (adjective) – preventive, precautionary, protective.
- flare-up (noun) – sudden appearance/occurrence. outburst, outbreak, eruption, epidemic.
- on the table (phrase) – presented/suggested for discussion.
- multifaceted (adjective) – diverse, different, various (features/aspects).
- go on (phrasal verb) – continue, carry on, proceed, last, remain.
- unto (preposition) – until.
- starve (verb) – suffer, die from hunger.
- hunger strike (noun) – a method of protest during which food is refused.
- turn down (phrasal verb) – reject, decline, say no to, spurn, rebuff.
- label (verb) – describe, classify, designate, identify, categorize, typify, call, name.
- sane (adjective) – rational, sensible, practical, wise, logical, realistic, responsible, balanced.
- voice (noun) – opinion, view, comment, feeling.
- maintain (verb) – say, state strongly; assert, affirm, announce.
- rather than (phrase) – instead of.
- associate (noun) – colleague, partner, supporter.
- heed (verb) – pay attention to, take into account, consider.
- clear (verb) – remove, end.
- apprehension (noun) – misgiving, doubt, qualm, fear, worry, concern, uneasiness.
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The Hindu Editorial (Farm fire) – Jan 02, 2025:

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