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Word of the Day (trickle-down)-17AUG22

Word of the Day (trickle-down)-17AUG22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “trickle-down” and it is a noun meaning “an economic theory which says that benefits and advantages be gradually passed on to the people at the bottom of the pyramid (by those at top of the system).

Example Sentence: The trickle-down thesis is an insult to the poor. Only the rich who finance the political parties can have their quid pro quo, while social rights get drowned (stifled/suppressed). Look at the promotion of electoral bonds on the grounds of ‘donor’s anonymity (namelessness)’ while the Election Commission and other democratic institutions get throttled (stifled/suppressed)? Corruption is pervasive (present everywhere) and undermines democratic practice.

This word is present in The Hindu article India at 75 | A probe into the Nehruvian pledge and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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