Today’s “Word of the Day” is “Sisyphean“ and it is an adjective meaning “futile, pointless, purposeless, impractical, hopeless, unusable, ineffectual, inefficacious, impotent, fruitless, unprofitable, profitless, unproductive, unachievable”.
Example Sentence: However, the education ecosystem, including the early childhood care & education (ECCE)/ Anganwadi system, is not willing to speak parents’ language… But it is not a Sisyphean task to understand what parents want — we simply need to ask them. In surveys that we have conducted repeatedly with rural and urban parents of 3-6 year old children, over 80% of parents consistently tell us that their kids’ best pathway for social mobility through education is via learning English (speaking and writing) and math skills…

This word is present in The Hindu article Not centres of learning yet and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Hindu
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