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Word of the Day (shirk)-02MAY22

Word of the Day (shirk)-02MAY22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is shirk and it is a verb meaning “evade one’s duty/responsibility; neglect one’s duty/responsibility, be remiss, be negligent; evade, dodge, avoid, sidestep, run away from, shrink from, shun”.

Example Sentence: As the PM said, the Centre and States need to coordinate better to spur the economy amid global tumult (disorder). Singling out a few States to deflect attention from the Centre’s excessive reliance on fuel taxes is not the right approach to attain such harmony. Most of all, as high inflation will debilitate the recovery’s momentum, shirking corrective action to bolster its revenue kitty would be a case of being penny wise and pound foolish.

This word is present in The Hindu article Fuelling friction: On PM Modi’s comments on fuel price and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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