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Word of the Day (resent)-22DEC20

Word of the Day (resent)-22DEC20

Today’s “Word of the Day” is resent and it is a verb meaning “be angry about, feel aggrieved at, dislike, be annoyed at, be displeased about”.

Example Sentence: The bottom line for Biden, much as he may resent the fact, is that his administration requires a working relationship with Russia if it is to have any chance of attaining some of its principal aims. The world needs Russian co-operation in tackling the climate crisis, meeting global challenges posed by the Covid-19 recovery and stabilising the Middle East, where Moscow, thanks to Trump’s neglect and incompetence, is now a more influential player, notably in Syria and Libya.

This word is present in The Guardian article The Observer view on how Joe Biden should deal with Vladimir Putin and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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