Word of the Day (quiescent)-22AUG24

Word of the Day (quiescent)-22AUG24

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “quiescent” and it is an adjective meaning “quiet, inactive, inoperative, passive, stagnant, asleep, sluggish, lethargic, at rest”.

Example Sentence: While Wayanad in Kerala limps back to normal life after the devastating landslide last month, a landslide on Tuesday (August 20, 2024) in Sikkim caused damage to six houses and a building of the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) at its Teesta-5 hydropower station in Gangtok…The disaster shines a new light on an old, but never quiescent, conundrum posed by hydropower projects. 

Word of the Day (quiescent)-22AUG24

This word is present in ​Power play: On hydropower projects and the environment and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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