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Word of the Day (posterity)-13JUN22

Word of the Day (posterity)-13JUN22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is posterity and it is a noun meaning “future generations; people in the future”.

Example Sentence: The Kerala government is trying to keep the lid on the unrest by excluding inhabited (residing) areas from the purview (scope/range) of the regulations prescribed by the Ministry and the court. But in surrendering to the compulsions of politics and the clout (influence) of pressure groups and religious leaders, it is losing sight of (pay no attention to) the larger issues of conservation and sustainable development. A State with 25 protected areas can ill afford to turn its back on (ignore/reject) conserving these precious natural assets for posterity.

This word is present in The Hindu article Pandering to pressure groups and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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