Word of the Day (perennial)-31MAY22

Word of the Day (perennial)-31MAY22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “perennial” and it is an adjective meaning “continuing, unending, never-ending, endless, ceaseless, lasting, everlasting, persisting, permanent, constant, continual, unchanging, never-changing“. 

Example Sentence: Nevertheless, international environmental action is in clear need of reinvigoration (restoration). Hopes this might happen were raised after the Glasgow Cop26 meeting. Omicron, the fuel crisis and the Ukraine war put paid to those notions, however. It is a perennial problem. Each year, the world’s attention is deflected by economic crashes, wars and pandemics, while drip by drip irreversible ecological damage continues. A few species disappear, icecaps melt a bit more, the sea level continues to rise. Rio and Stockholm raised the alarm about the incremental crisis that we face. By remembering that warning, we can, even at this late stage, avert the worst impacts of the global catastrophe that looms in front of us.

Word of the Day (perennial)-31MAY22

This word is present in The Guardian article Reservation in public employment and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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