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Word of the Day (paradox)-18DEC21

Word of the Day (paradox)-18DEC21

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “paradox” and it is a noun meaning “contradiction, inconsistency, dichotomy, incongruity, anomaly; oddity, conundrum, mystery, puzzle, enigma”.

Example Sentence: It has long been a paradox of the vaccine rollout that those who are most in need of protection from coronavirus are often the ones who find it hardest to access. Running an emergency mass Christmas booster programme may be the greatest challenge of the pandemic so far, but clinically vulnerable adults and children can’t be allowed to fall through the cracks.

This word is present in The Guardian article Booster jabs are vital – why is it so difficult for clinically vulnerable people to access them? and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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