Today’s “Word of the Day” is outlandish and it is an adjective meaning “strange, peculiar, odd, weird, unusual, abnormal, atypical, unconventional, bizarre“.
Example Sentence: No amount of global heating is safe. If the world’s average temperatures rise by 1.5C – the goal of the Paris climate agreement – the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warns that up to 14% of species (a group of living organisms/things) on land face a very high risk of extinction (dying out of a species). At 3C, not an outlandish rise, almost a third of life on terra firma (solid earth) could be gone. This report is a final warning. The next time the world’s scientists pronounce will be at the end of the decade – when it will be too late to stop the rot.

This word is present in The Guardian article The Guardian view on the IPCC report: inaction has cost the world dearly and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Guardian
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