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Word of the Day (leapfrog)-30MAY20

Word of the Day (leapfrog)-30MAY20

Today’s “Word of the Day” is leapfrog and it is a verb meaning “jump over; improve, advance quickly (to a high-level job/position from a low-level job/position by surpassing/outperforming others or skipping over some stages in the process); pass over, get past (an obstacle)”.

Example Sentence: Some authorities have moved to ease lockdowns and help the troubled economy, despite experts recommending they remain on guard for a resurgence of the COVID-19 disease. “Don’t start leapfrogging over (skipping over) the recommendations of some of the guidelines because that’s really tempting fate (doing something risky/dangerous) and asking for trouble,” Anthony Fauci, a top U.S. health advisers, told CNN. 

This word is present in The Hindu International Page article U.S. virus toll crosses 1,00,000; pandemic grips Latin America and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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