Today’s “Word of the Day” is infatuate (be infatuated with) and it is a verb meaning “have strong feelings of love or passion or admiration for someone/something; fascinate, captivate, enchant, enthral, attract”.
Example Sentence: If you try food from a completely different culture, it’s possible you’ll find it alien. It’s also possible that you’ll fall head over heels in love with it as a whole, while missing out on the nuances, at least at first. So an Indian who becomes infatuated with Japanese food, say, may not be able to discern the subtle differences between the rice from Niigata and Yamagata prefectures (areas/regions) while wolfing down everything Nipponese (Japanese).
This word is present in The Hindu article When food arguments escalate into bitter war and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Hindu
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