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Word of the Day (hypocritical)-02APR21

Word of the Day (hypocritical)-02APR21

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “hypocritical” and it is an adjective meaning “relating to someone who pretends to have (good) qualities, (moral) beliefs,  (higher) principles/standards or (true) feelings, but he/she does not actually have them at all; deceptive, dishonest, two-faced, untruthful, self-righteous, pretended, hollow, false, fake“. 

Example Sentence: Last Wednesday, several senators (of Brazil) begged the foreign minister Ernesto Araújo to resign, calling it a necessary precondition for Brazil to effectively engage the global community as the novel coronavirus claims more and more lives. When he finally threw in the towel (& resigned on Monday), Araújo blamed “a false and hypocritical narrative erected against [him] in the service of shadowy (ill-defined) national and foreign interests”. The response to his resignation, however, was overwhelmingly positive.

Word of the Day (hypocritical)-02APR21

This word is present in The Guardian article What’s next for Brazil as Jair Bolsonaro’s troubles deepen? and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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