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Word of the Day (fidelity)-16JUL21

Word of the Day (fidelity)-16JUL21

Today’s “Word of the Day” is fidelity and it is a noun meaning “faithfulness, loyalty, allegiance, attachment, closeness; devotion, adherence; dependability, reliability”.

Example Sentence: Consider that after decades of disinformation, outright lies, media prater and political inaction on climate change, our home planet now sets higher temperature records every year, and could, by 2100 if not 2050, be unlivable in many places, beset by unending fires, droughts, rising seas, chaos and storms. All because of a conservative fidelity to fossil fuels; an unwillingness to acknowledge what’s true, and a selfish resistance to change.

Word of the Day (fidelity)-16JUL21

This word is present in The Guardian article The climate is boiling. Why has Harvard still not fully divested from fossil fuels yet? and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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