Today’s “Word of the Day” is “fancy” and it is a verb meaning “wish for, want, desire, prefer, long for, crave, savour, enjoy, relish, go for, be desirous of”.
Example Sentence: When the news – and I use that word reluctantly – broke that the president and first lady of the United States of America had ordered the same main course at a Washington DC restaurant earlier this month, my first response was not outrage, but rather to Google the menu, so I could see what they’d missed out on. Those who, like the New York Post, complained that the Bidens were “painfully boring” for their identical tastes were wide of the mark. Even the leader of the free world deserves to eat what he fancies,…
This word is present in Why did the Bidens order the same meal at a restaurant? I have my theories and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Guardian
“Phrasal Verbs” We Learnt Last Week
“Idioms & Phrases” We Learnt Last Week
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