Word of the Day (exacerbate)-25SEP24

Word of the Day (exacerbate)-25SEP24

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “exacerbate“ and it is a verb meaning “intensify, increate, heighten, amplify, magnify, deepen, add to, aggravate, worsen”.

Example Sentence: A break from the past, a new beginning in Sri Lanka. People saw the new tax policies and the dismantling of the welfare programmes as policy measures that benefited the rich and the wealthy business classes while exacerbating the crisis of the economic survival of the poor and the middle classes. Growing poverty, income inequalities and increasing social polarisation between the haves and have-nots have generated a clear shift in the people’s political loyalties— away from the traditional elite parties.

Word of the Day (exacerbate)-25SEP24

This word is present in A break from the past, a new beginning in Sri Lanka and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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