Word of the Day (corollary)-03MAR22

Word of the Day (corollary)-03MAR22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is corollary and it is a noun meaning “a proven or unproven proposition/statement that follows from the previously proven proposition/statement; something that automatically follows; consequence, result, outcome, out-turn, effect, repercussion, reverberations”.

Example Sentence: Very few sayings are as true as: “Truth is the first casualty in war”. Its corollary is: “No government tells the truth about war to its people”. Certainly not the whole truth. This is true of all governments at all times in all countries.

Word of the Day (corollary)-03MAR22

This word is present in The Hindu article The Ukraine war, India and a stand of non-alignment and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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