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Word of the Day (circumvent)-18APR22

Word of the Day (circumvent)-18APR22

Today’s “Word of the Day” is “circumvent“ and it is a verb meaning “avoid, evade, get past, bypass, sidestep, dodge, get round, find a way round”.

Example Sentence: Speaking at the BRICS Finance Ministers meeting earlier this month, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov called for the use of national currencies for BRICS countries, integration of payment systems and cards, their own financial messaging system and the creation of an independent BRICS rating agency. The measures would effectively circumvent some of the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and European Union, which none of the BRICS countries have joined.

Word of the Day (circumvent)-18APR22

This word is present in The Hindu article Russia sanctions to dominate BRICS summit and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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