Word of the Day (awash)-23JUL21

Word of the Day (awash)-23JUL21

Today’s “Word of the Day” is awash and it is an adjective meaning “having large numbers/amounts of something; full of, filled, abundant, rife, flooded, fraught, overflowing, inundated, swamped”.

Example Sentence: More than 150 years ago, Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest novelists and thinkers of the world, writing in his book, What Then Must We Do, wondered and asked: if everything of value and substance is produced in the rural areas, why then are the villages mired (involved) in poverty and cities awash in wealth? That question continues to befuddle (confuse) us… All these thoughts brought back memories of my (Captain G.R. Gopinath’s) own life from the 1980s. Those days I (he) struggled as a farmer to make ends meet.

Word of the Day (awash)-23JUL21

This word is present in The Hindu article Man cannot live by the Internet alone and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Hindu

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