Today’s “Word of the Day” is athwart and it is a preposition meaning “in opposition to, against, opposed to, contrary to, in disagreement with”.
Example Sentence: When he explained the contours of the electoral bond scheme…, the then Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley stressed on this very feature. “The donor will know, which party he is depositing money to,” he said. “The political party will file return with the Election Commission [of India]. Now, which donor gave to which political party, that is the only thing which will not be known.” This avowed objective runs athwart one of the most basic features of a democracy, that the right to freedom of expression, which the Constitution guarantees, includes within it a right to know.

This word is present in The Hindu article To the poll booth, with no donor knowledge and click here to read it.
Courtesy: The Hindu
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