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Word of the Day (ambivalent)-29DEC21

Word of the Day (ambivalent)-29DEC21

Today’s “Word of the Day” is ambivalent and it is an adjective meaning “having mixed feelings about someone or something; in two minds; equivocal, uncertain, doubtful, indecisive, inconclusive, irresolute, undecided, unresolved, fluctuating, wavering”.

Example Sentence: Thus for Europe, and the EU in particular, the new year looks set to begin on a disconcertingly (disturbingly) uncertain, lonely note. It’s squeezed between a malignant (hostile, evil-intentioned) Moscow and an ambivalent America. 

Word of the Day (ambivalent)-29DEC21

This word is present in The Guardian article The Observer view on the year ahead for Europe and click here to read it.

Courtesy: The Guardian

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