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Welcome assurance – The Hindu (April 04, 2017)

Welcome assurance – The Hindu (April 04, 2017)

The importance of cooperation between the executive and the judiciary in dealing with the unacceptably high number of pending cases in the country cannot be overemphasised. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. backlog (noun) – accumulation, logjam, pile-up/excess.
  2. overemphasise (verb) – overstress, exaggerate, overdramatize.
  3. impasse (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, stand-off.
  4. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul/nullify, declare something invalid/illegal.
  5. gesture (noun) – action, deed; sign/indication.
  6. fraternity (noun) – group, profession, body of workers, a group of people with same job, interest and etc.
  7. underscore (verb) – emphasize, call attention to, underline.
  8. anguish (noun) – agony, pain, torment/suffering.
  9. successive (adjective) – consecutive, in succession, following.
  10. alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, troubling.
  11. docket (noun) – a list of (pending) cases for trail.
  12. chronic (adjective) – long-lasting, constant, continuing.
  13. bring to a grinding halt (phrase) – slow down gradually and then stop totally.
  14. gain ground (phrase) – make headway, make progress, advance/proceed.
  15. spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate/clarify.
  16. expedite (verb) – speed up, accelerate, quicken.
  17. incontestable (adjective) – unquestionable, indisputable, undeniable.
  18. liquidate (verb) – close down, wind up, terminate.
  19. undoubted (adjective) – undisputed, unquestionable,unequivocal.
  20. relevance (noun) – the quality of being relevant/suitable.
  21. Collegium system (noun) – The collegium system is the one in which the Chief Justice of India and a forum of four senior most judges of the Supreme Court recommend appointments & transfers of judges. There is no mention of the collegium in the Constitution of India.
  22. Memorandum of Procedure (MoP) – a guideline for selection of high court judges.
  23. prolonged (adjective) – continuous, ongoing, persistent/non-stop.
  24. tidings (noun) – news, report; information.


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