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Wages of neglect – The Hindu (Aug 14, 2017)

Wages of neglect – The Hindu (Aug 14, 2017)

The death of more than 60 children in the span of a few days in a major referral hospital in Uttar Pradesh has jolted the conscience of the nation. This was an entirely preventable tragedy.  For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1

  1. wage (noun) – reward, recompense, retribution.
  2. holistic (adjective) – relating to the whole/complete/entire factors; comprehensive, full, total.
  3. overhaul (noun) – a thorough examination, revamp, recondition.
  4. jolt (verb) – surprise, shock, startle.
  5. conscience (noun) – morals, standards, values/principles.
  6. perish (verb) – die, be killed (suddenly).
  7. frantic (adjective) – panic-stricken, panic-struck, berserk/distraught.
  8. requisition (verb) – request, order, call for.
  9. assertion  (noun) – affirmation, declaration, statement.
  10. prejudice (verb) –  bias/influence; damage, spoil/impair.
  11. unremitting (adjective) – relentless, constant, endless.
  12. encephalitis (noun) – it is a sudden sudden inflammation (swelling) of the brain.
  13. afflict (verb) – trouble, affect, bother adversely.
  14. epidemic (noun) – outbreak; a situation in which a disease spreads quickly and affects many people (Courtesy: VOA Learning English).
  15. wrack a variant of rack (verb) – torment, afflict, torture/pain.
  16. fatal (adjective) – deadly, lethal, killing.
  17. crippling (adjective) – weakening, destroying, spoiling.
  18. will (noun) – determination; decision, intention.
  19. determinant (noun) – factor, issue, concern.
  20. irrigation (noun) – supply of water to farm land to grow crops & plants.
  21. proximity (noun) – closeness, nearness, adjacency.
  22. vaccination (noun) – treatment with a vaccine to protect against a particular disease.
  23. paediatric (adjective) – relating to the branch of medicine dealing with children and their diseases.
  24. trail (verb) –  lag behind, fall behind, lose.


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