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Understanding the Chinese mind – The Hindu (Sep 01, 2017)

Understanding the Chinese mind – The Hindu (Sep 01, 2017)

Just when the stand-off between India and China over the Doklam plateau threatened to go the way of the 1986-1987 Sumdorong Chu incident (Arunachal Pradesh), the two sides agreed to step back and disengage, thus avoiding a confrontation. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-3 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. riposte (verb) – answer/reply/respond, retort, counter.
  2. discern (verb) – understand, fathom, perceive.
  3. viz. (adverb) – namely, specifically, in other words.
  4. ramifications (noun) – consequence, result, issue.
  5. labyrinthine (adjective) – complicated, intricate, confusing.
  6. savour (verb) – relish, enjoy,, appreciate.
  7. gamut (noun) – range, spectrum, scope.
  8. decipher (verb) – make out, interpret, understand/comprehend.
  9. nurse (verb) – foster, have (a belief/feeling); encourage/nurture.
  10. alienation (noun) – isolation, detachment, estrangement/separation.
  11. obtuse (adjective) – stupid, dull, unintelligent.
  12. attrition (noun) – wearing away, weakening, debilitation.
  13. protracted (adjective) – very long, prolonged, extended/extensive.
  14. opportune (adjective) – favourable, advantageous, right.
  15. mitigate (verb) – alleviate, reduce, lessen.
  16. extraneous (adjective) – irrelevant, immaterial, inappropriate/pointless.
  17. pyrrhic (adjective) – (of a victory) – meaningless, valueless/worthless, useless.
  18. redress (verb) – remedy/fix, compensate, rectify.
  19. hinterland (noun) – remote areas of a country away from the coastal areas/the banks of major rivers.
  20. achilles heel (noun) – weak spot/point, weakness, vulnerable spot.
  21. embark on (verb) – begin, start, commence (a course of action).
  22. aggravate (verb) – worsen, exacerbate, increase.
  23. dampener (noun) – discontent, complainer, fault-finder.
  24. pragmatic (adjective) – empirical, realistic/actual, practical.
  25. crescendo (noun) – peak, top, high point.
  26. shun (verb) – avoid, evade, reject (through antipathy or caution).
  27. status quo (noun) – the present situation, the current state, the existing state of affairs. A supporter of the status quo is called as status quoist.
  28. indulge in (verb) – involve (in an undesirable action).
  29. imply (verb) – suggest, hint, say indirectly.
  30. tianxia (Chinese word) – literally means”under heaven” (the concept/belief of  the Chinese empire).
  31. envisage (verb) – foresee, predict, forecast.
  32. aphorism (noun) – proverb, maxim/adage; saying.


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