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The rhythm of life – The Hindu (Oct 06, 2017)

The rhythm of life – The Hindu (Oct 06, 2017)

Time and clocks have held a special fascination for humankind down the ages. So, it is particularly revealing that two of the three Nobel Prizes for the sciences announced this year have been linked to time. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-2 (To Improve English Vocabulary)

  1. rhythm (noun) – pattern, flow, tempo.
  2. curiosity (noun) – strong desire, interest.
  3. fascination (noun) – interest, passion; attraction/appeal.
  4. revealing (adjective) – meaningful, expressive, informative.
  5. emanate (verb) – come out, arise; originate from.
  6. recesses (noun) – innermost parts, remote places, interior.
  7. space time continuum (noun) – it is the three dimensions of space combined with one dimensional time to create a new mathematical/physical entity called ‘space-time’ (the resultant fourth dimensional object).
  8. triumvirate (noun) – a group of three powerful or notable people.
  9. chronobiologist (noun) – a specialist in the field of biology that examines periodic (cyclic) phenomena in living organisms.
  10. pioneering (adjective) – distinctive, creative, innovative.
  11. unravel (verb) – solve/resolve, clarify, decipher/explain.
  12. circadian rhythm (noun) – Biological rhythms that repeat approximately every 24 hours are called circadian rhythms. Light is the main stimulus that helps the circadian clock, and thus circadian rhythms, keep a synchronized rhythm with the 24-hour day. (Courtesy: Lighting Research Center).
  13. accumulate (verb) – amass, collect, gather.
  14. diminish (verb) – decrease, decline, reduce.
  15. seminal (adjective) – influential, formative, groundbreaking, pioneering.
  16. jigsaw (noun) – a puzzle to assemble/arrange cut pieces of a picture together.
  17. engender (verb) – cause, produce, create.
  18. seesawing (noun) – an act/process of changing the position/situation/condition rapidly & repeatedly.
  19. nod (noun) – a sign of acknowledgement/concession to.
  20. implication (noun) – suggestion, indication, hidden meaning.
  21. spawn (verb) – produce, generate, bring about.
  22. mushrooming (adjective) – growing/increasing rapidly, burgeoning, spreading.
  23. deleterious (adjective) – harmful, damaging, detrimental/adverse.
  24. sleep deprivation (noun) – a condition that occurs if someone doesn’t get enough sleep.
  25. jet lag (noun) – tiredness, fatigue, exhaustion (due to long travel across different time zones).
  26. contemporary (adjective) – modern, present-day, present, current.
  27. pose (verb) –  present, create, cause/produce (a problem).
  28. ubiquitousness (noun) – commonness, widespread presence, present everywhere.
  29. prospect (noun) – possibility, chance, expectation.
  30. tantalize (verb) – tease, torment, torture.


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