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The limits to popular sentiment – The Hindu (Jan 20, 2017)

The limits to popular sentiment – The Hindu (Jan 20, 2017)

Tamil Nadu is caught in a near-spontaneous mass upsurge in support of jallikattu, the bull-taming spectacle held during the time of the harvest festival of Pongal. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Word List-1:

  1. upsurge (noun) – (a sudden & large) increase.
  2. Jallikattu (noun) – it is the popular bull-taming sport held alongside annual harvest festivities of Pongal in rural Tamil Nadu (Courtesy: The Hindu).
  3. spectacle (noun) – event, show/display, performance.
  4. vigil (noun) –  a period of purposeful sleeplessness, an occasion for devotional watching, or an observance (Courtesy: Wikipedia).
  5. ritual (noun) – ceremony, formalities, proceedings.
  6. custom (noun) – tradition, practice, procedure/observance.
  7. rise up (verb) – protest, rebel, revolt.
  8. solidarity (noun) – unanimity, unity, like-mindedness.
  9. wrest (verb) – push, force, twist.
  10. nullify (verb) – annul, invalidate; cancel out.
  11. take part (phrase) – participate, get involved, engage in.
  12. run amok (phrase) – go berserk, get out of control, behave wildly.
  13. hold on to (phrasal verb) – keep, retain, hang on to/keep possession of.
  14. hump (noun) – a rounded raised bump/bulge found on the back of a camel or other animal; protuberance, protrusion.
  15. feudal (adjective) – old-fashioned, outdated, obsolete.
  16. masculine (adjective) – male/manly, macho, muscular.
  17. valour (noun) – bravery, courage, fearlessness.
  18. take a heavy toll (phrase) – have an adverse effect.
  19. deem (verb) – regard as, consider, judge.
  20. the onus (noun) – responsibility, duty, burden.
  21. provision (noun) – term, clause, stipulation.
  22. fritter away (phrasal verb) – squander, waste/misuse, throw away.
  23. reproach (noun) – rebuke, disapproval, criticism.
  24. get around (phrasal verb) – coax/persuade/influence, overcome, win over.
  25. course (noun) – course of action,  process/procedure, approach.
  26. undermine (verb) – subvert, weaken/reduce, compromise.


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