The Hindu Editorial (Winter is here) – Feb 04, 2022
On the eve of the opening of the Winter Olympics in Beijing on Friday, India announced a diplomatic boycott of the games. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Winter is here) – Feb 04, 2022.
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The Hindu Editorial (Winter is here) – Feb 04, 2022:
- diplomatic (adjective) – tactful, sensitive, subtle, delicate; consular, foreign-policy.
- boycott (noun) – ban, prohibition, sanction; avoidance, shunning, rejection, refusal.
- diplomatic boycott (noun) – it means that while the athletes will still compete, government representatives/officials will not attend the event. It simply means no official representation.
- winter olympics (noun) – a major international multi-sport event held once every four years for winter sports. The Summer and Winter Olympic Games organized by the International Olympic Committee occur every four years. The Summer Olympics, more popularly known as just The Olympics is a much bigger event with 204 countries participating as of 2012. The Winter Olympics is an event on a relatively smaller scale, with about 88 countries participating in 2014. Even though these events occur every four years, the summer and winter events are staggered so that there’s an Olympic event every two years.
- take on (phrasal verb) – acquire, assume, come to have (A specific meaning).
- on the eve of (phrase) – a period or day before an important event.
- The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) (noun) – The Ministry of External Affairs (abbreviated as MEA) of India, also known as the Foreign Ministry, is the government agency responsible for the conduct of foreign relations of India.
- official (noun) – officer, office-holder, office-bearer, administrator, functionary.
- run (verb) – be presented, be performed.
- skier (noun) – a person who is gliding over snow on skis.
- along with (phrase) – together with, accompanying.
- move (noun) – step, action, act, measure.
- People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (noun) – People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is the armed forces of the country of China and the Communist Party of China (CPC).
- torch relay (noun) – A modern invention inspired by practices from ancient Greece, the Olympic Torch Relay heralds the start of the Olympic Games and transmits a message of peace and friendship along its route. Technically, the Torch Relay does not represent the passing of a torch, but celebrates the passing of the sacred flame from one torch to the next. The Olympic flame symbolizes the light of spirit, knowledge and life. By passing the flame from one person to another in stages, the Torch Relay expresses the handing down of this symbolic fire from generation to generation.
- clash (noun) – confrontation, fight, conflict, skirmish.
- valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it.
- subsequently (adverb) – afterwards, later on, in due course.
- honour (noun) – accolade, award, reward.
- regrettable (adjective) – undesirable, unfortunate, sad/bad, disappointing/distressing.
- diplomat (noun) – ambassador, envoy, emissary, consul.
- stand-off (noun) – deadlock, stalemate, impasse, standstill.
- Line of Actual Control (LAC) (noun) – the de-facto (effective) border between India and China. The LAC is a 4,057-km border running through three areas-Western (Ladakh, Ladakh (Kashmir)), middle (Uttarakhand, Himachal), and eastern (Sikkim, Arunachal).
- calculus (noun) – calculation, estimation, reasoning.
- context (noun) – circumstances, conditions, situation.
- campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group.
- highlight (verb) – underline, underscore, emphasize.
- amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
- ally (noun) – a country/state with an alliance with another one in which they promise to support each other militarily and to defend each other.
- violation (noun) – breach, breaking, contravention, non-observance.
- re-education camp (noun) – A camp or prison where ideological dissidents undergo reeducation or indoctrination.
- re-education (noun) – Education provided to change someone’s beliefs or ideology or behaviour, (involuntary political indoctrination).
- indoctrination (noun) – the method of training/teaching an idea or belief to someone repeatedly until they accept it without criticism/question.
- vocational (adjective) – relating to job or work & its related skills.
- denounce (verb) – condemn, criticize, attack, censure.
- albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however.
- politicise (verb) – to make something into a political issue.
- inherently (adverb) – naturally, intrinsically, innately, essentially, basically, fundamentally.
- burnish (verb) – improve, enhance, augment/make better.
- legitimacy (noun) – legality, validity, lawfulness.
- — of the day (phrase) – something presently considered to be particularly interesting or important.
- certainly (adverb) – surely, definitely, unquestionably.
- outbreak (noun) – outburst, flaring up, breakout, sudden appearance/occurrence of something.
- pandemic (noun) – the worldwide spread of a new disease; The illness spreads around the world and typically affects a large number of people across a wide area.
- underlying (adjective) – fundamental, basic, primary.
- International Olympic Committee (IOC) (noun) – Established in on 23 June 1894, the International Olympic Committee is a not-for-profit independent international organisation based in Lausanne, Switzerland. The IOC is at the very heart of world sport, supporting every Olympic Movement stakeholder, promoting Olympism worldwide, and overseeing the regular celebration of the Olympic Games.
- motto (noun) – slogan, expression, saying/phrase, catchphrase.
- laudable (adjective) – praiseworthy, commendable, admirable.
- aspiration (noun) – ambition, hope, goal.
- as far as – is concerned (phrase) – with regard to a particular person or situation.
- far away (adjective/phrase) – distant, far off; isolated, secluded.
- on and off (phrase) – periodically, at intervals, now and again, occasionally.
- ski slope (noun) – a sloping surface of a snowy hill/mountain which you can ski down.
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The Hindu Editorial (Winter is here) – Feb 04, 2022:

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