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The Hindu Editorial (Wilful violation) – Feb 13, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (Wilful violation) – Feb 13, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (Wilful violation) – Jan 13, 2025:

  1. wilful (adjective) – deliberate, intentional, purposeful.
  2. violation (noun) – breach, contravention, infringement, breaking, non-observance.
  3. conduct (noun) – behaviour.
  4. expose (verb) – reveal, disclose, lay bare, unveil, show, display, exhibit, manifest, highlight, pinpoint.
  5. obstinacy (noun) – stubbornness, inflexibility, bull-headedness, perversity, uncooperativeness, stiffness, rigidity, relentlessness, single-mindedness, self-opinionatedness, doggedness.
  6. probing (adjective) – examining, investigating, exploring.
  7. constitutional (adjective) – relating to the Constitution; legal, legitimate, lawful.
  8. lawfulness (noun) – legality, legitimacy, rightfulness.
  9. Bill (noun) – A Bill is a draft statute that becomes law after it is passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President. All legislative proposals are brought before Parliament in the forms of Bills (or) draft statute/law, proposed legislation, proposal (presented to parliament/congress/council for discussion).
  10. withhold (verb) – stop, check; to refuse to give something; to refrain from giving permission.
  11. assent (noun) – approval, agreement, acceptance, consent, concurrence.
  12. bound to (adjective) – obliged, required, compelled, duty-bound, constrained, committed. 
  13. grant (verb) – give, confer on, provide with, present to with.
  14. adoption (noun) – approval, endorsement, ratification, validation, authorization, support, backing.
  15. Assembly (noun) – the legislature of State government in the Indian system of government with elected representatives by the voters of an electoral districts (constituencies); law-making body or governing body.
  16. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  17. Constitution Bench (noun) – a bench of the Supreme Court having five or more judges on it. These benches are not a routine phenomenon. (Constitution Benches are exceptions, set up only if some circumstances exist).
  18. Division Bench (noun) – a bench of two or three judges is called a division bench.
  19. on behalf of (phrase) – in the interests of, at the behest of, in place of, in the name of.
  20. proviso (noun) – provision, clause, condition, stipulation, requirement, term.
  21. Article 200 of the Constitution (noun) – Assent to Bills; it deals with “governors dealing with bills”. Article 200 provides options to the Governor when a Bill is presented to him after being passed by the legislature. These options are: to give assent; to withhold assent; to send it back to the Assembly to reconsider it; or to send the Bill to the President for his consideration.
  22. constitution (noun) – body of law; system of rules; regulations, fundamental principles, charter. 
  23. The Constitution of India (noun) – India, also known as Bharat, is a Union of States. It is a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic with a parliamentary system of government. The Republic is governed in terms of the Constitution of India which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949 and came into force on 26th January, 1950.
  24. the withholding (noun) – refusal, rejection, denial, declination, dismissal.
  25. put an end to (phrase) – end, stop, block, quell, quash, prevent, thwart.
  26. hold (verb) – (of a court) decide, rule. 
  27. opt for (verb) – choose, select, decide on.
  28. course of action (noun) – course, plan (of action), mode of conduct, procedure, approach.
  29. legislature (noun) – law-making body or governing body; parliament, congress, council, assembly.
  30. the legislature (noun) – the House; a deliberative body of persons, usually elective, who are empowered to make, change, or repeal the laws of a country or state. India follows a bicameral (two chambers/parts) system at both the centre and state level.
  31. House (noun) – legislative assembly.
  32. Attorney-General (noun) – The chief legal advisor/officer of a nation (state).
  33. repugnancy (noun) – an inconsistency or contradiction between two or more parts of a legal instrument (such as a statute or a contract).
  34. due to (phrase) – because of, as a result of, thanks to, on account of, owing to.
  35. apparent (adjective) – visible, clear, evident, noticeable, palpable, striking.
  36. conflict (noun) – dispute, quarrel, tussle, wrangle, disagreement, contention, strife, friction, discord. 
  37. University Grants Commission (UGC) (noun) – The University Grants Commission (UGC) came into existence on 28th December, 1953 and became a statutory Organization of the Government of India by an Act of Parliament in 1956, for the coordination, determination and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination and research in university education.
  38. regulation (noun) – rule, ruling, order, Act, statute, ordinance.
  39. seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  40. Vice-Chancellor (VC) (noun) – The Vice-Chancellor is the academic and executive head of the University. The Vice-Chancellor provides both academic and administrative leadership. The Vice-Chancellor is appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Government.
  41. Pro Chancellor (noun) – Deputy Vice-chancellor.
  42. Chancellor (noun) – The chancellor is titular head of a state university. In almost all states, the Governor serves as ex-officio chancellor, and in this capacity appoints vice-chancellors of state universities and presides over convocation ceremonies, among other responsibilities. (As per the provisions of the Act of the concerned University, the Governor appoints the Vice Chancellor on the advice/in consultation with the State Government).
  43. maintain (verb) – say, state, assert, affirm, insist on.
  44. cease to exist (phrase) – to stop/end gradually; disappear, vanish, fade, come to an end, draw to a close.
  45. presume (verb) – assume, suppose, guess, imagine, deduce, surmise
  46. contention (noun) – disagreement, dispute, argument, discord, conflict, friction, strife.
  47. hold good (phrase) – remain true, remain valid, be in effect, be valid, to be true.
  48. fascinating (adjective) – interesting, thrilling, enticing, engrossing.
  49. reserve (verb) – give over to; retain, hold, secure, keep (a right or entitlement).
  50. come up with (phrasal verb) – propose, put forward, present, submit, suggest.
  51. the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
  52. scuttle (verb) – (intentionally) cause something to fail; destroy, wreak.
  53. legislation (noun) – law, decree, statute, rule, ordinance, act.
  54. act on (phrasal verb) – act in accordance with, comply with, go along with, take heed of, uphold.
  55. reservation (noun) – misgiving, doubt, qualm, scepticism, second thought, worry, concern, reluctance, apprehension.
  56. hearing (noun) – legal action/case, legal trial, inquiry, proceedings.
  57. bent on (adjective) – determined on, insistent on, fixed on, hell-bent on, firm about.
  58. world view (noun) – a person’s way of thinking about and understanding life, which depends on their beliefs and attitudes.
  59. take note of (phrase) – pay attention, bear in mind, be mindful of, heed, follow, comply with.
  60. pose (verb) – constitute, present, create, cause (a problem or danger or risk).
  61. governance (noun) – government, administration, regime.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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