The Hindu Editorial (Widening conflict) – Jul 30, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Widening conflict) – Jul 30, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​Widening conflict) – Jul 30, 2024:

  1. widening (adjective) – increasing, expanding, intensifying.
  2. conflict (noun) – war, warfare, armed conflict, military action, armed clash.
  3. elusive (adjective) – difficult to find, difficult to achieve; intangible.
  4. Gaza (noun) – a Palestinian city in the Gaza Strip. Gaza Strip is a self-governing Palestinian territory surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Israel and Egypt.
  5. drag on (phrasal verb) – continue, persist, linger, carry on.
  6. Golan Heights (noun) – Internationally recognized as Syrian territory occupied by Israel. Israel seized this Golan Plateau from Syria in 1967 and the status of this territory “remains unchanged”.
  7. brink (noun) – edge/verge/end (of something).
  8. Hezbollah (noun) – Hezbollah is a Shiite Muslim political party and militant group based in Lebanon, where its extensive security apparatus, political organization, and social services network have fostered its reputation as “a state within a state.” Founded in the chaos of the fifteen-year Lebanese Civil War, the Iran-backed group is driven by its opposition to Israel and its resistance to Western influence in the Middle East.
  9. militia (noun) – armed forces, military unit, insurgent, rebel (that involves in rebel/terrorist activities against the main/regular forces).
  10. back (verb) – support, help, assist, favour.
  11. strike (noun) – attack.
  12. outpost (noun) – a remote colony, territory, province (of a country or empire).
  13. bought past & past participle of buy (verb) – accept the truth of.
  14. Hamas (noun) – Hamas is an Islamist militant group based in Gaza.
  15. cross-border (adjective) – across a border between two states/countries.
  16. slow-burning (adjective) – slow-paced.
  17. rage (verb) – be uncontrollable, be violent; continue with high intensity.
  18. stronghold (noun) – fort, fortress, bulwark, mainstay, support.
  19. flee (verb) – escape, abscond, run away, take flight, leave abruptly/hastily.
  20. retaliation (noun) – revenge, vengeance, counter-attack.
  21. solidarity (noun) – unity, unanimity, harmony, cohesion, cooperation.
  22. cautious (adjective) – careful, wary, heedful, vigilant , circumspect, mindful.
  23. spiral (verb) – get worse, worsen, deteriorate, decline. 
  24. all-out (adjective) – intense, aggressive, vigorous, powerful.
  25. unwritten rule (noun) – custom, tradition, convention, practice. 
  26. take for granted (phrase) – assume, presume, suppose, accept, believe (something is true without cross-questioning it); For example, if people take something for granted, they do not place much value on it. Or you believe it to be true, real or expected.
  27. Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) (noun) – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are the armed forces of Israel, comprising the Israeli army, navy, and air force. it is was established in 1948 and commonly known in Israel by its Hebrew acronym Tzahal.
  28. occupation (noun) – invasion, seizure, takeover, annexation.
  29. clean hands (phrase) – innocence, without guilt, freedom from guilt.
  30. campaign (noun) military operation(s), offensive, attack, manoeuvre(s), engagement..
  31. civilian (noun) – non-military person, ordinary citizen.
  32. neighbourhood (noun) – (surrounding) area, region, district/country.
  33. take credit for something (phrase) – to claim or accept praise, approval, or honour for something.
  34. withdraw from (verb) – leave, pull out of, move out of, retreat from, pull back from.
  35. stockpile (noun) – supply, stock; reserve, accumulation, collection, amassment.
  36. spiral/spin out of control (phrase) – change/move in an uncontrolled way & quickly.
  37. involvement (noun) – participation, engagement.
  38. provoke (verb) – kindle, trigger, give rise to, prompt, rouse, incite.
  39. deter (verb) – prevent, stop, block, halt. 
  40. self-defeatist (adjective) – counterproductive, self-defeating, futile.
  41. reset (verb) – re-establish (something).
  42. hostility (noun) – opposition, conflict, resentment, enmity, aversion, antipathy.
  43. obvious (adjective) – clear, evident, apparent, distinct, noticeable, tangible.
  44. trigger (verb) – cause, give rise to, lead to, bring about, generate.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (​Widening conflict) – Jul 30, 2024:

The Hindu Editorial (​Widening conflict) – Jul 30, 2024
The Hindu Editorial (​Widening conflict) – Jul 30, 2024

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