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The Hindu Editorial (West Bengal tango) – May 17, 2019

The Hindu Editorial (West Bengal tango) – May 17, 2019

From pleading helplessness before the Supreme Court in enforcing the Model Code of Conduct a month ago,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (West Bengal tango) – May 17, 2019.

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Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (West Bengal tango) – May 17, 2019:

  1. tango (noun) – Two people involved in a bad/tough situation are equally responsible for it; Tango is a dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem (alongside each other), sometimes in opposition.
  2. junk (verb) – throw away, discard, abandon/shed.
  3. pretence (noun) – false show, display, outward appearance.
  4. neutrality (noun) – impartiality, even-handedness, fairness.
  5. plead (verb) – claim, assert, allege.
  6. helplessness (noun) – inability to act effectively.
  7. model code of conduct (noun) – a set of guidelines issued by the Election Commission of India for conduct of political parties and candidates during elections.
  8. have come a long way (phrase) – progress to a developed, higher level.
  9. assert (verb) – declare, claim, contend.
  10. sporadic (adjective) – occasional, infrequent, irregular.
  11. bust (noun) – a sculpture (of a person’s head).
  12. all-out (phrase) – forceful, vigorous, powerful.
  13. footprint (noun) – mark, impression, track.
  14. psychosis (noun) – insanity, mental illness/hysteria, instability/distraction.
  15. prematurely (adverb) – too soon, too early, before the usual time.
  16. quite (adverb) – in every respect, in all respects, without exception.
  17. devoid of (adjective) – lacking, without, free of/free from.
  18. evidently (adverb) – seemingly, apparently, on the face of it.
  19. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided.
  20. accommodate (verb) – help/assist, serve; adjust/attune.
  21. slate (verb) – schedule, plan, organize.
  22. curtailment (noun) – reduction, decrease, restriction.
  23. credibility (noun) – trustworthiness, reliability, integrity.
  24. come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to.
  25. cloud (noun) – a state of suspicion, trouble, problem.
  26. manifestly (adverb) – clearly, obviously, apparently.
  27. erode (verb) – (gradually) deteriorate, destroy, spoil.
  28. ferocious (adjective) – strong, powerful, fierce.
  29. provocation (noun) – prompting, inducement, incitement.
  30. revive (verb) – reintroduce, relaunch, bring back.
  31. alleged (adjective) – claimed, professed, purported.
  32. norm (noun) – standard, criterion, measure.
  33. fair play (noun) – justice, equity, impartiality.
  34. vandalisation (noun) – harm, injury, destruction.
  35. stooge (noun) – subordinate, assistant; henchman; pawn/puppet.
  36. unjust (adjective) – wrong, unjustifiable, unreasonable.
  37. turn out (phrasal verb) – transpire, emerge; happen/occur.
  38. powder keg (noun) – a dangerous or tense situation.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from, narrow-mindedness
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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