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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​Welcome gesture) – Mar 13, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (​Welcome gesture) – Mar 13, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (​​​​​​Welcome gesture) – Mar 13, 2025:

  1. welcome (adjective) – pleasing, agreeable, favourable, promising, much needed.
  2. gesture (noun) – action, deed, act, move.
  3. engage with (verb) – establish a significant connection with; become involved in, take part in, participate in, play a part in.
  4. critic (noun) – criticizer, censurer, castigator, attacker, fault-finder.
  5. move (noun) – activity, step, measure.
  6. strengthen (verb) – reinforce, support, make stronger, give strength to, fortify, bolster, underpin, buttress.
  7. precipitate (verb) – cause, lead to, bring about, give rise to something suddenly; to cause/make something to happen abruptly
  8. grievance (noun) – complaint, protestation, protest, criticism, problem, objection.
  9. turnout (noun) – participation, attendance. (Voter turnout refers to the number or percentage of eligible voters who cast their ballots). 
  10. concerning (preposition) – regarding, with regard to, in respect of, with reference to, relating to.
  11. conduct (noun) –management, regulation, organization.
  12. suggestion (noun) – recommendation, idea
  13. besides (preposition) – apart from, other than, barring, excluding.
  14. provincial (adjective) – regional, territorial.
  15. official (noun) – officer, office-holder, functionary, bureaucrat, mandarin.
  16. aggressive (adjective) – attacking, offensive, confrontational, argumentative, quarrelsome
  17. posture (noun) – stance, standpoint, point of view, position, stand, approach, perspective.
  18. dismissive (adjective) – disdainful, scornful, disdainful, disparaging, unenthusiastic; casual, indifferent, disrespectful, uninterested, unconcerned (about serious/important matter).
  19. undue (adjective) – unfair, inordinate, excessive, immoderate, disproportionate, unreasonable, unjustifiable, too much.
  20. figure (noun) –  number, total, data, information.
  21. go on to (phrasal verb) – continue, carry on, proceed, remain.
  22. admonish (verb) – reprimand, rebuke, censure, reprove, criticize, censure, castigate, condemn.
  23. deepen (verb) – grow, increase, intensify, escalate, heighten, exacerbate, aggravate, worsen.
  24. distrust (noun) – mistrust, suspicion, lack of trust.
  25. sown past tense of sow (verb) – cause, lead to, bring about, give rise to, produce, create.
  26. sow doubt on (phrase) – cause disbelief/mistrust about something.
  27. result in (verb) – cause, lead to, bring about, give rise to. 
  28. atmosphere (noun) – circumstances, situation, condition, context, background, backdrop.
  29. scepticism (noun) – mistrust, distrust, qualm, doubt, suspicion, lack of faith, worry, apprehension, misgiving.
  30. seep into (verb) – enter slowly, spread, permeate, flow slowly through.
  31. robustness (noun) – strongness, strength, powerfulness; integrity, soundness, sturdiness, solidity.
  32. legitimate (adjective) – legal, lawful, valid, reasonable, reliable.
  33. regulation (noun) – control, management, inspection.
  34. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  35. hate speech (noun) – abusive or disrespectful speech.
  36. thoroughgoing (adjective) – rigorous, in-depth, detailed, meticulous, complete, comprehensive, elaborate, full, intensive, extensive.
  37. receptive (adjective) – responsive, approachable, accessible, answering.
  38. critique (noun) – analysis, evaluation, assessment, appraisal, review.
  39. constitution (noun) – composition, organization, arrangement, configuration, structure, framework.
  40. constitution (noun) – body of law; system of rules; regulations, fundamental principles, charter.
  41. in the hands of (phrase) – being dealt with; under the control, of. under the authority of; controlled by.
  42. salient (adjective) – important, main, major, primary, basic, paramount, prominent, remarkable.
  43. feature (noun) – quality, aspect, element, point, attribute, characteristic, trait.
  44. evolution (noun) – progress, advancement, progression, development.
  45. autonomous (adjective) – independent, self-determining, self-governing.
  46. periodic (adjective) – regular, periodical, recurrent, repeated, cyclical, occasional, infrequent, sporadic.
  47. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
  48. participation (noun) – involvement, engagement, taking part.
  49. electoral democracy (noun) – it describes a democratic government based on a system that enables all citizens to select one candidate from a list of competitors for political office. The process is called an election. Each citizen becomes a voter who casts a secret ballot with their choices.
  50. evolve (verb) – develop, progress, advance gradually.
  51. emphasise (verb) – highlight, underscore, underline, stress, call/draw attention to.
  52. transparency (noun) – clarity, straightforwardness, openness, honesty, unambiguity.
  53. accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
  54. robust (adjective) – strong, powerful.
  55. Electors Photo Identification Card (EPIC) (noun) – Voter ID; The electors registered in the electoral roll are issued with Electors Photo. Identity Card (EPIC). The number of the EPIC issued is printed on the electoral roll (voter list).
  56. largely (adverb) – mostly, mainly, generally.
  57. trivial (adjective) – unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, minor, petty, small, little.
  58. aver (verb) – assert, claim, state, affirm, avow.
  59. a level playing field (phrase) – a situation in which everyone has a fair  and equal opportunity to succeed, and no one has an advantage over the other.
  60. force (noun) – party.
  61. go a long way (phrase) – will be very successful; to be very helpful/useful (to achieve success).
  62. allay (verb) – reduce, diminish, decrease, lessen, ease, relieve, assuage, alleviate, mitigate, temper, moderate.
  63. tried and tested (phrase) – effective, reliable, successful.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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