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The Hindu Editorial (Water woes) – Jan 04, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (Water woes) – Jan 04, 2025

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (​Water woes) – Jan 04, 2025:

  1. woe (noun) – trouble, difficulty, problem, tribulation, distress, heartbreak, anguish, affliction, grief, pain.
  2. state (noun) – condition, situation, circumstances, predicament, plight.
  3. groundwater (noun) – it is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It is stored in and moves slowly through geologic formations of soil, sand and rocks called aquifers.
  4. nitrate (noun) – nitrate (NO3) is a water-soluble and stable form of nitrogen. it is one of the most common chemical contaminants of groundwater. It is defined as more than 45 mg per litre — in their groundwater, largely due to the use of subsidised, nitrogenous, synthetic fertilizer, a key input for farming.
  5. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) (noun) – a subordinate office of the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, is the National Apex Agency entrusted with the responsibilities of providing scientific inputs for management, exploration, monitoring, assessment, augmentation and regulation of ground water resources of the country. Central Ground Water Board was established in 1970 by renaming the Exploratory Tube wells Organization under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
  6. portent (noun) – indication, augury, sign, signal, prediction.
  7. translate (verb) – interpret, express, transcribe.
  8. methemoglobinemia (noun) – a reduced ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen.
  9. Blue Baby Syndrome (noun) – also known as infant methemoglobinemia; It is a rare condition where a baby’s skin turns blue. The most common cause of blue baby syndrome is water contaminated with nitrates. After a baby drinks formula made with nitrate-rich water, the body converts the nitrates into nitrites. These nitrites bind to the hemoglobin in the body, forming methemoglobin, which is unable to carry oxygen.
  10. algal bloom (noun) – the overgrowth of microscopic algae or algae-like bacteria in fresh/salt waters (algae is very simple, small plants that grow in water).
  11. throttle (verb) – suppress, control/restrict, stifle.
  12. aquatic (adjective) – relating to water.
  13. ecosystem (noun) – a complex situation/environment.
  14. proportion (noun) – percentage, ratio, relative amount/number
  15. shift (verb) – change, vary.
  16. extent (noun) – level, amount, magnitude.
  17. contamination (noun) – the presence of a impurity; In medicinal chemistry, the term “contamination” is used to describe an unwanted material or substance gets into a drug, potentially leading to dangerous side effects for consumers.
  18. perennial (adjective) – continuing, unending, never-ending, endless, ceaseless, lasting, everlasting, persisting, perpetual, constant, continual, unchanging, never-changing.
  19. primarily (adverb) – mainly, largely, completely, entirely, wholly.
  20. geological (adjective) – relating to the study of the solid Earth, the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them.
  21. relative (adjective) – comparative, respective, corresponding.
  22. fairly (adverb) – reasonably, somewhat, relatively.
  23. constant (adjective) – fixed, changeless, unchanging.
  24. establish (verb) – achieve; prove, demonstrate, show, display.
  25. correlation (noun) – connection, comparability, reciprocity, similarity, resemblance, equivalence.
  26. elevated (adjective) – increased, raised.
  27. contaminant (noun) – impurity, adulterant, pollutant, harmful substance.
  28. draw attention to (phrase) – emphasize, highlight, accentuate, underline, underscore, give emphasis to, lay stress on, call attention to, focus on, zero in on
  29. the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
  30. over-exploited (adjective) – overused, overutilized, overcapitalized.
  31. extraction (noun) – removal, taking out, withdrawal, release.  
  32. replenishment (noun) – restoration (of stock/suppy).
  33. degree (noun) – level, extent, amount, magnitude.
  34. replenish (verb) – refill, fill up, recharge, reload; stock up, restock, restore.
  35. draw out (phrasal verb) – obtain, extract.
  36. robust (adjective) – strong, powerful.
  37. lacking (adjective) – insufficient, inadequate, deficient.
  38. get to (phrasal verb) – to deal with a task at the appropriate time.
  39. finding (noun) – result, conclusion, decision.
  40. concerted (adjective) – involving a lot of people coming together & doing something with great effort; strenuous, vigorous, energetic, determined, active, intense; coordinated, collaborative, collective, combined, joint.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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