The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020

The first District Development Council polls in Jammu and Kashmir had rivals, National Conference, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020:

  1. vocal (adjective) – vociferous, outspoken, forthright; relating to someone who expresses his/her views frankly.
  2. mark (verb) – indicate, represent, signify, signalize.
  3. statehood (noun) – the condition of being an independent state.
  4. District Development Councils (DDC) (noun) – The District Development Councils (DDCs) are set to become a new unit of governance in Jammu and Kashmir. A legislation to this effect was brought in by the Ministry of Home Affairs on October 16 through an amendment to the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act, 1989. This structure will include a DDC and a District Planning Committee (DPC). The DDCs will have elected representatives from each district. The term of the DDC will be five years, and the electoral process will allow for reservations for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women. The Additional District Development Commissioner (or the Additional DC) of the district shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the District Development Council.
  5. rival (noun) – opponent, adversary, contender, competitor.
  6. Gupkar Declaration (noun) – it is a resolution issued after an all-party meeting on August 4, 2019 at the Gupkar residence of NC president Farooq Abdullah. They vowed to fight collectively for the restoration of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status as guaranteed by the constitution under Article 370.
  7. consolidate (verb) – bring together, combine, unite, merge, integrate.
  8. Valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it. Valley is a metonym of Jammu & Kashmir in this context (Metonym is used as an alternative for something else with which it is closely related/associated).
  9. alliance (noun) – association, union, partnership.
  10. likely (adjective) – probable, distinctly possible, to be expected.
  11. swing (verb) – have a definite influence on something (vote/election).
  12. in favour of (phrase) – in support of, to the advantage of, approving of.
  13. revocation (noun) – cancellation, abandonment, calling off.
  14. pledge (verb) – affirm, promise/swear, vow.
  15. restoration (noun) – reinstitution, re-establishment, return.
  16. rig (verb) – manipulate/conduct something fraudulently, particularly elections.
  17. allay (verb) – reduce, diminish, decrease, lessen; alleviate, ease, relieve.
  18. campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group.
  19. Enforcement Directorate (ED) (noun) – Directorate of Enforcement is a specialized financial investigation agency under the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It was established in the year 1956 with its Headquarters at New Delhi. It is responsible for enforcement of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) (Civil Law) and certain provisions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) (Criminal Law).
  20. amount to (verb) – be regarded as, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, be equal to.
  21. machinery (noun) – system, apparatus, structure.
  22. intent (noun) – aim, purpose, objective.
  23. suspension (noun) – removal, stoppage, termination.
  24. stand out (phrasal verb) – be noticeable, be visible, be obvious.
  25. militant (noun) – fanatic, extremist, radical, sectarian/partisan.
  26. outfit (noun) – organization, group.
  27. separatist (noun) – dissident, nonconformist, sectarian.
  28. boycott (noun) – avoidance, shunning, rejection, refusal.
  29. encounter (noun) – clash, conflict, confrontation.
  30. militancy (noun) – extremist, radical, sectarian group.
  31. turnout (noun) – attendance.
  32. make inroads (into) (phrase) – progress/advance into (a new area/territory).
  33. notwithstanding (conjunction) – although, in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that, even though.
  34. a shot in the arm (phrase) – (figuratively) boost, fillip, stimulus, impetus, encouragement; (literally) an injection of drugs.
  35. image (noun) – public perception/impression, persona, public face, character/reputation.
  36. grip (noun) – control, power, hold.
  37. tighten (your) grip (phrase) – to start to control someone/something more stringently.
  38. hold (verb) – conduct, have, organize.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Vocal for local) – Dec 24, 2020

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