The Hindu Editorial (Valley and hills) – Mar 29, 2025
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The Hindu Editorial (Valley and hills) – Mar 29, 2025:
- valley (noun) – a low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it.
- participation (noun) – engagement, involvement, contribution, representation.
- separatist (noun/adjective) – extremist, radical, rebel, insurgent, dissident, protester, nonconformist, sectarian.
- separatist (adjective) – dissident, dissenting, nontraditional, sectarian.
- decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
- lose ground (phrase) – to suffer disadvantage; to experience a setback.
- in the face of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, regardless of; when confronted with.
- assertive (adjective) – decisive, firm, determined, dominant, commanding, authoritative, forceful.
- ground reality (noun) – practical condition/situation.
- advance (verb) – promote, further, support, back, encourage, foster, facilitate.
- narrative (noun) – a representation of a particular situation; portrayal, account, description, statement.
- aspirational (adjective) – ambitious, motivated, hopeful.
- seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
- prosperity (noun) – success, well-being, welfare, fortune.
- integration (noun) – unification, inclusion.
- reflect (verb) – indicate, reveal, express, show, display.
- outfit (noun) – unit, group, body, organization.
- salvation (noun) – lifeline, preservation, conservation, means of escape (from harm, ruin & loss).
- dissociation (noun) – separation, disconnection, detachment, disengagement.
- hail (verb) – praise, admire, welcome, salute, applaud, extol, laud.
- development (noun) – progress, progression, advancement, improvement, growth.
- separatism (noun) – the act of supporting cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, regional, governmental, or gender separation from the larger group.
- a thing of the past (phrase) – something that no longer exists/occurs; something that has become outdated/obsolete.
- credit (verb) – accredit, ascribe, attribute, connect with, associate with.
- second-rung (adjective) – second-level. (rung means level, rank, position, grade).
- renounce (verb) – abandon, relinquish, forgo, give up, forgo.
- acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize.
- mark (verb) – represent, indicate, signify.
- departure (noun) – deviation, shift, change, change of direction.
- emergence (noun) – arrival.
- paradigm (noun) – a model or pattern of something; example, prototype, standard, criterion.
- tool (noun) – mechanism, instrument, apparatus.
- sentiment (noun) – feeling, emotion, point of view.
- engage with (verb) – establish a significant connection with; become involved in, take part in, participate in, play a part in.
- dialogue (noun) – discussion, discourse, debate, negotiation, deliberation, talks, parley.
- table (noun) – a meeting place; conversation forum.
- dramatically (adverb) – completely, greatly.
- abrogate (verb) – cancel, reverse, repeal, quash, overrule, override, invalidate, nullify, revoke, annul, abolish.
- key (adjective) – important, major, leading.
- All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) (noun) – The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), widely known as the Hurriyat, came into being in July 1993. It was formed as a political platform of the separatist movement.
- influential (adjective) – powerful, dominant, strong; important.
- coalition (noun) – alliance, affiliation, relationship, partnership.
- largely (adverb) – mostly, mainly.
- render (verb) – represent, depict, interpret; make, cause to be/become.
- inactive (adjective) – inoperative out of use
- sideline (verb) – put someone in a less influential position; remove from the centre of activity.
- linger (verb) – continue, go on, carry on, persist, extend, remain, stay, last.
- on the margin (phrase) – be at the edge/verge of something; be on the brink of something; be lacking central importance or influence.
- overshadow (verb) – conceal, obscure, block out, dominate, overlook.
- organically (adverb) – systematically, methodically, coherently, logically, rationally.
- embrace (verb) – accept, welcome, support, back.
- deployment (noun) – the act of employing forces/troops into effective action.
- forces (noun) – troops; armed forces, soldiers.
- militancy (noun) – extremist, radical, sectarian group.
- morph (adjective) – change; gradually change something (image) into another one.
- guerrilla warfare (noun) – a form of warfare by which the strategically weaker side assumes the tactical offensive in selected forms, times, and places. Guerrilla strategy is determined by the rebels’ weakness in relation to the superior military forces that they confront.
- aid (verb) – help, assist, support, back.
- terrain-map (noun) – a type of map that shows the physical features of a particular area, such as hills, valleys, mountains, rivers, and other natural landmarks.
- entangle (verb) – involve, bog down, mix up, mire, implicate, embroil.
- unlikely (adjective) – not likely, doubtful, improbable, questionable, debatable.
- relinquish (verb) – abandon, renounce, forgo, give up, forgo.
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
- any time soon (phrase) – in the near future.
- build upon (phrasal verb) – develop, enhance, expand on.
- deliberate (adjective) – careful, cautious, methodicalsystematicpainstakingmeticulous
- inclusive (adjective) – comprehensive, all-encompassing, all-embracing, without exception, all-inclusive.
- people-centric (adjective) – relating to something (example: leadership) which values people’s need & requirement and make them fell safe & happy.
- sustain (verb) – continue, carry on, keep up, maintain, bolster up.
- full-fledged (adjective) – fully established/developed.
- in keeping with (phrase) – consistent with, in accordance with, in agreement with, in line with, compatible with.
- commitment (noun) – dedication, engagement, obligation, responsibility, onus, liability, accountability.
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.
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The Hindu Editorial (Valley and hills) – Mar 29, 2025:
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