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The Hindu Editorial (​​​Up but out) – Aug 09, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​​​Up but out) – Aug 09, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Up but out) – Aug 09, 2024:

  1. campaign (noun) – a systematic course of action to achieve a target; crusade, drive, move, effort, strategy.
  2. go to extraordinary lengths (phrase) – to make extreme effort to do something; to make great effort to achieve something.
  3. tale (noun) – story, narrative, report.
  4. so near and yet so far (phrase) – used to describe a situation where something seems within reach or achievable, but ultimately remains out of reach or unattainable.
  5. sombre (adjective) – dull, grim, murky, gloomy, depressed, sad, cheerless, joyless, funereal  .
  6. root (noun) – origin, source, base, beginnings.
  7. red-hot (adjective) – very strongly expected (to win/achieve something).
  8. seemingly (adverb) – obviously, clearly, visibly, markedly, distinctly, manifestly; apparently, supposedly, evidently, reportedly, presumably, ostensibly.
  9. may the force be with you (phrase) – used to wish an individual or group good luck or good will.
  10. summit clash (noun) – final match.
  11. fizzle out (phrasal verb) – fail, disappear, come to nothing, fall through, flop.
  12. acutely (verb) – extremely, very.
  13. razor-sharp (adjective) – exceedingly sharp, acute, quick, ingenious, clever, intelligent.
  14. line (noun) – limit, margin.
  15. distinguish (verb) – separate, set apart, decide between.
  16. combat sports (noun) – combat sports are sports that simulate hand‐to‐hand combat either with or without the use of weapons. They include boxing, fencing, wrestling, and numerous other martial arts.
  17. ace (adjective) – outstanding, formidable, champion, magnificent, formidable.
  18. stipulated (adjective) – prescribed, fixed, specified, defined, required.
  19. mandatory (adjective) – obligatory, compulsory, binding, necessary; required, essential.
  20. weigh-in (noun) – under international rules, weigh-ins are organised each morning for each weight category. During the weigh-in process, wrestlers have the right to get on the scales. Referees check that all wrestlers are at the weight corresponding to the category they are competing in.
  21. bout (noun) – tournament, competition, event, game, match, contest, championship.
  22. heartbreak (noun) – suffering, sadness, distress, pain, hurt, angst, despair.
  23. of the kind (phrase) – something like/similar to what has just been mentioned.
  24. funereal (adjective) – sombre, gloomy, sad, cheerless, joyless, bleak, sorrowful.
  25. ripple through (verb) – (of a feeling) spread through, move across.
  26. expectant (adjective) – eager, excited, waiting, anticipatory, hopeful, breathless, anxious.
  27. halo (noun) – glory, fame, glow; crown of light.
  28. topple (verb) – defeat, overcome, bring down, oust, unseat, overthrow.
  29. defending (adjective) – reigning, current.
  30. eventually (adverb) – ultimately, finally, at last, in the end.
  31. get past (phrasal verb) – beat, defeat, conquer, overwhelm; outdo outstrip, outdistance, go past, go beyond, rise above. 
  32. mixed (media) zone (noun) – a space that allows the media and broadcasters to interview players as they leave the field of play or after the match.
  33. wave (verb) – move one’s hand from side to side in greeting someone.
  34. scribe (noun) – journalist, reporter; writer, author.
  35. refrain from (verb) – desist from, stop oneself, abstain, forgo, discontinue, hold back.
  36. alarm bell (noun) – warning sound, alarm signal, danger signal, alert.
  37. loud and clear (phrase) – very clearly; in a way that is easy to understand.
  38. contingent (noun) – group, unit, team.
  39. conscious (adjective) – wary, aware, alert to, careful, mindful, sensible.
  40. ensuing (adjective) – following, resulting, resultant, eventual, sequential, subsequent. 
  41. pursue (verb) – engage in, conduct, take part in (an activity).
  42. crash course (noun) – a rapid and intense course of training.
  43. measure (noun) – action, step, course of action.
  44. starvation (noun) – extreme hunger, lack of food, famine, undernourishment, malnourishment.
  45. frenetic (adjective) – frantic, hyperactive, energetic, intense, fast and furious.
  46. induced (adjective) –  caused, effected, created, produced
  47. nausea (noun) – the condition of feeling sick and the feeling that you are going to vomit.
  48. insomnia (noun) – a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep.
  49. budge (verb) – move, shift, make space.
  50. extraordinary (adjective) – unbelievable, curious, surprising, unusual, rare, uncommon.
  51. rest with (phrasal verb) – depend on someone or something
  52. emerging (adjective) – growing, budding, fledgling, arising, burgeoning, promising, potential.
  53. United World Wrestling (UWW) (noun) – United World Wrestling (UWW) is the international governing body for the sport of amateur wrestling; its duties include overseeing wrestling at the Olympics.
  54. pertain to (verb) – concern, relate to, be connected with.
  55. (in the larger) scheme of things (phrase) – in the way things normally/generally happen or arranged to happen (when compared with/related to other things) in a particular situation; a general view of the situation as a whole.
  56. charge (noun) – allegation, accusation.
  57. podium (noun) – dais, platform, stage (to receive an award by finishing first, second, or third in a sporting event).
  58. culminate (verb) – end with, finish with, terminate with, conclude with, come to an end with.
  59. despair (noun) – hopelessness, desperation, depression, distress, anguish, pain, gloom.
  60. metaphor (noun) – figure of speech, figurative expression, comparison/symbol.
  61. wage (verb) – engage in, undertake, carry on, continue, pursue (a battle).
  62. Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) (noun) – the governing body of wrestling in India.
  63. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation.
  64. harassment (noun) – oppression, victimization, persecution, persistent annoyance, coercion/intimidation.
  65. centre around (phrasal verb) – to have something as the most important subject of discussion/interest; concentrate on, focus on, revolve about, revolve around.
  66. cleave (verb) – split, split open, chop up, cut up, halve, crack open, divide, sever, splinter.
  67. lean on (phrasal verb) – depend on, be dependent, rely on, count on, bank on, cling to, have faith in. 
  68. patriarchy (noun) – a family/group/society/community/government controlled by a man/a group of men, descent described through male line of the family.
  69. rebuff (verb) – reject, refuse, turn down, decline, dismiss, brush off snub (a request).
  70. belated (adjective) – late, behind time, not on time, delayed.
  71. clean-up (noun) – the process of cleaning/purging/cleansing something.
  72. see through the prism (noun) – It is used to explain a way of looking at something in different ways so as to get a better understanding of it.
  73. prism (noun) – a viewpoint which clarifies/distorts something.
  74. overwhelming (adjective) – very large, immense, massive, huge, formidable, sweeping, devastating, uncontrollable, unbearable.
  75. angst (noun) – anxiety, fear, dread, fearfulness, distress, worry, apprehension, nervousness, tension.
  76. sacrosanct (adjective) – relating to something considered as too important or valuable that no one is permitted to criticize or change it; inviolable, unchallengeable, unimpeachable; sacred, holy, respected, hallowed
  77. find oneself (verb) – to realize what you are really like and what you want to do. 
  78. on/at the wrong end (phrase) – unsuccessful in an activity.
  79. await (verb) – wait for.
  80. authorities (noun) – bureaucracy, officials, officialdom, the people in charge, the administration, the establishment, the system, corridors of power.
  81. consideration (noun) – a fact taken into account in deciding something; factor, point, concern, issue, matter.
Note : 
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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