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The Hindu Editorial (​Unwarranted curbs) – Sep 23, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Unwarranted curbs) – Sep 23, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Unwarranted curbs) – Sep 23, 2024:

  1. unwarranted (adjective) – unnecessary, unreasonable, unjustifiable, groundless, inappropriate, immoderate, inordinate, uncalled for.
  2. curb (noun) – restriction, restraint, control, limitation.
  3. move (noun) – action, step, procedure.
  4. excuse (noun) – reason, cause, grounds, basis, justification, explanation.
  5. censorship (noun) – the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient.
  6. empower (verb) – authorize, entitle, permit, allow.
  7. misleading (adjective) – deceptive, confusing, deceiving, equivocal, ambiguous, fallacious, false; misguiding, misinforming, misdirecting.
  8. likely (adverb) – expected, predicted, probable, foreseeable.
  9. strike down (phrasal verb) – abolish, annul, nullify (a law or regulation).
  10. tie-breaking (adjective) – relating to a ruling/judgement in which a two-judge Bench gives conflicting & opposite ruling/judgement. (so the case moves into a higher (three-judge) Bench to make a 2:1 decision).
  11. ruling (noun) – judgment, pronouncement, adjudication, verdict.
  12. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  13. split over (phrasal verb) – divide into two or more groups/parts; disagree with someone or something.
  14. constitutional (adjective) – relating to the Constitution; legal, legitimate, lawful.
  15. constitutional validity (noun) – the requirement that a law, procedure, or act must meet to be considered valid and in accordance with the constitution.
  16. held past participle of hold (verb) – (of a court/judge) rule, decide.
  17. provision (noun) – clause, condition, stipulation, requirement, term.
  18. violate (verb) – breach, break, infract, contravene, offend, transgress, go against. 
  19. freedom of expression (noun) – the ability of an individual or group of individuals to express their beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and emotions about different issues free from government censorship, restraint, or legal penalty.
  20. sought past tense of seek (verb) – try, aim, attempt.
  21. coercively (adverb) – forcefully, compulsorily, strongly, vigorously.
  22. classify (verb) – categorize, group, assign, rate.
  23. vague (adjective) – imprecise, inexact, unclear/uncertain.
  24. undefined (adjective) – unspecified, unexplained, unclear, imprecise, inexact, indistinct.
  25. terms (noun) – conditions.
  26. social media intermediaries (SMI) (noun) – entities that enable online interaction between two or more users. It includes all social media platforms, communication and messaging channels.
  27. intermediary (noun) – social media website, eCommerce website, blogging platform, search engine, telecom provider, Internet platform (hosting user-generated content), cloud provider, etc.
  28. intermediary (noun) – representative, delegate, agent, mediator, negotiator.
  29. The Information Technology (Guidelines for Intermediaries and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 (noun) –the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021 has been framed in exercise of powers under section 87 (2) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and in supersession of the earlier Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules 2011. It empowers ordinary users of social media, embodying a mechanism for the redressal and timely resolution of their grievances. Rules about digital media and OTT focuses more on in house and self-regulation mechanism whereby a robust grievance redressal mechanism has been provided while upholding journalistic and creative freedom. The guidelines have been framed keeping in mind the difference between viewership in a theatre and television as compared to watching it on the Internet.
  30. flag (verb) – indicate, point out, identify; draw attention to something.
  31. bound to (adjective) – compelled, duty-bound, constrained, obligated, obliged.
  32. take down (phrasal verb) – remove, eliminate, take out, withdraw. 
  33. result in (verb) – cause, lead to, bring about, give rise to. 
  34. safe harbour (noun) – a place of safety; something that provides safety/protection; a regulatory provision that provides protection/safety. (The Indian government is reconsidering a key aspect of cyberspace — ‘safe harbour’, which is the principle that so-called ‘intermediaries’ on the internet are not responsible for what third parties post on their website. This is the principle that allows social media platforms to avoid liability for posts made by users).
  35. exemption (noun) – special treatment, privilege, favouritism; immunityexclusion, exception, indemnity, freedom.
  36. host (verb) – store (on a website).
  37. The Press Information Bureau (PIB) (noun) – The Press Information Bureau (PIB) is the nodal agency of the Government of India to disseminate information to the print and electronic media on government policies, programmes, initiatives and achievements. It functions as an interface between the Government and the media and also serves to provide feedback to the Government on people’s reaction as reflected in the media.
  38. mechanism (noun) – approach, medium, vehicle, instrument, apparatus.
  39. censor (verb) – cut, delete, retard, unpublish; examine/inspect.
  40. dispute (verb) – disagree, have a disagreement.
  41. satirist (noun) – a writer who uses satire (humour/mockery) while criticizing something/someone.
  42. self-censorship (noun) – self-control, self-discipline, self-restraint.
  43. contend (verb) – claim, assert, argue, state.
  44. recklessly (adverb) – unthinkingly, mindlessly, foolishly, carelessly, rashly.
  45. contrary (adjective) – in opposition to, against, incompatible with, in conflict with, not in accord with.
  46. aggrieved (adjective) – disgruntled, dissatisfied, unhappy, upset, annoyed, disappointed.
  47. remedy (noun) – solution, answer, antidote/panacea.
  48. unconstitutional (adjective) – undemocratic, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian.
  49. redress (noun) – compensation, restitution, remedy, atonement, justice.
  50. go against (phrasal verb) – breach, break, infract, infringe, offend, transgress, violate; be unfavourable, be disadvantageous.
  51. free speech (noun) – the right to express one’s opinions publicly (without any restraint).
  52. circumstances (noun) – context, conditions, factors, situation, environment, backdrop.
  53. Article 19(2) of the Constitution of India (noun) – It authorizes the government to impose, by law, reasonable restrictions upon the freedom of speech and expression “in the interests of public order”.
  54. uphold (verb) – confirm, justify, support/back, endorse, approve, vindicate, validate.
  55. vaguely (adverb) – roughly, indeterminately, forgetfully, inattentively, absent-mindedly, somewhat.
  56. word (verb) – utter, express, frame, set forth, formulate.
  57. bar (noun) – restriction, limitation, impediment, obstruction, hindrance, obstacle.
  58. disclaimer (noun) – denial, refusal, rejection (statement).
  59. chilling (adjective) – frightening, terrifying, disturbing/horrifying.
  60. prevalence (noun) – commonness, extensiveness, widespread presence.
  61. misinformation (noun) – disinformation, false information, alternative fact, fake news, false, rumour.
  62. Nemo iudex in causa sua (phrase) – Latin for “no one should be a judge in their own cause”. It states that no one can judge a case in which they have an interest.
  63. sole (adjective) – only.
  64. arbiter (noun) – judge, referee; authority, arbitrator. 
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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