The Hindu Editorial (Unity in diversity) – Apr 14, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Unity in diversity) – Apr 14, 2023:
- diversity (noun) – existence/presence of different people (from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives ranging from race to age to gender to hometown to educational experience) within group; variety, variance, difference.
- alliance (noun) – association, union, partnership.
- recognise (verb) – acknowledge, accept, admit, realize, understand.
- difference (noun) – dissimilarity, disparity, contradiction, variation.
- at loggerheads (phrase) – (two individuals or two groups of people) in a strong or violent disagreement about something; Engaged in a serious dispute and fail to come to an understanding of any kind.
- ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology).
- conflicting (adjective) – opposite, contradicting, disagreeing.
- interest group (noun) – a group of persons with shared interests.
- tend to (verb) – be likely.
- guarded (adjective) – cautious, careful, attentive, wary.
- strident (adjective) – loud & harsh, forceful, discordant, vociferous.
- safeguard (verb) – protect, shield, defend.
- home turf (noun) – surroundings; native environment, habitat.
- exploratory (adjective) – preliminary, provisional, tentative, trial, test, pilot.
- rather than (phrase) – instead of.
- decisive (adjective) – resolute, firm, determined.
- realisation (noun) – awareness, understanding, comprehension, consciousness, apprehension, recognition, perception, discernment.
- animosity (noun) – hostility, antagonism, enmity/aversion.
- prey (noun) – victim, target.
- hunger (noun) – strong desire.
- infinite (adjective) – never-ending, without limit, boundless, endless, boundless.
- the fact that (phrase) – used to refer to a specific situation under consideration/discussion.
- born out of (phrase) – has happened because of.
- antagonism (noun) – hostility, friction, antipathy, bitterness, animosity, enmity, aversion.
- rival (noun) – opponent, adversary, contender, competitor.
- common ground (phrase) – shared opinions, beliefs (or interests).
- evasive (adjective) – indeterminate/non-committal; unclear, puzzling/perplexing.
- hegemon (noun) – super power, major power.
- heartland (noun) – the most important part of a field of activity; the central part of something.
- resistance (noun) – opposition, refusal, unwillingness, disinclination, aversion, hostility.
- lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, give rise to.
- consequence (noun) – result, outcome, ramification, repercussion.
- aggregate (verb) – combine, accumulate.
- fray (noun) – competition, contest.
- galvanise (verb) – stimulate, encourage, inspire, motivate.
- social justice (noun) – the equal access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
- legitimacy (noun) – reasonableness, justification, validity.
- in the face of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, regardless of; when confronted with.
- amplify (verb) – increase, raise, intensify, heighten, escalate, magnify.
- sustained (adjective) – continuous, continual, constant, steady.
- outreach (noun) – the level of reaching out/activity/effort; involvement.
- case in point (phrase) – example, instance, sample.
- front (noun) – party, group, outfit.
- concede (verb) – cede, relinquish, yield, give up, forgo.
- interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
- converge (verb) – come together, meet, unite, join, merge.
- puritanical (adjective) – moralistic, tight-laced, strict; (having strict moral and religious beliefs and not approving of pleasure, for example in sexual activity, drinking & etc.).
- puritan (adjective) – relating to a person who adheres to strict religious principles.
- idealistic (adjective) – utopian, visionary.
- pursuit (noun) – quest, search, chase; activity.
- untimely (adverb) – ill-timed, inopportune, inappropriate, unfavourable, awkward.
- luxury (noun) – benefit, advantage, boon, comfort, ease.
- in any case (phrase) – anyways, anyhow, however; nevertheless .
- cohesiveness (noun) – linkage, relationship, association, connection, bonding.
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The Hindu Editorial (Unity in diversity) – Apr 14, 2023:

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