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The Hindu Editorial (Two to tango) – May 19, 2023

The Hindu Editorial (Two to tango) – May 19, 2023

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The Hindu Editorial (Two to tango) – May 19, 2023:

  1. it takes two to tango (phrase) – two people, who involved in a problem, must accept the blame (or) an activity which needs both parties to participate in it to happen. (tango is a ballroom dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem (alongside each other) (sometimes in opposition).
  2. inclusive (adjective) – comprehensive, broad-based; all-embracing, far-reaching, wide-ranging. 
  3. gloss (noun) – shine, sheen, lustre, glaze, sparcle, brightness.
  4. dull (verb) – lessen, decrease, diminish, reduce.
  5. lock horns (phrase) – engage in a conflict/fight/contest; have a dispute, quarrel, disagree, argue, vie for.
  6. settlement (noun) – agreement, deal, understanding, compromise.
  7. serve well (phrase) – be useful, be beneficial to, be good enough; foster; nurture.
  8. strategically (adverb) – in a way that is designed/planned to serve a particular purpose.
  9. stint (noun) – period in office; period, time, spell, term, turn.
  10. accommodative (adjective) – accommodating, cooperative, helpful, generous, friendly.
  11. sentiment (noun) – point of view, opinion, idea; feeling.
  12. for good reason (phrase) – with acceptable explanation; there’s a good reason that something happened.
  13. claim (noun) – (formal) request, call or demand.
  14. besides (preposition) – apart from, other than, excluding, in addition to, furthermore, moreover.
  15. apparently (adverb) – professedly, seemingly, allegedly, ostensibly, supposedly, purportedly.
  16. change of guard (phrase) – It used to refer to a situation in which there is a (dramatic) change in which new people are replacing people (existing) in positions of importance.
  17. make way (phrase) – move aside, clear the way, make room, provide a space for, provide an opportunity for.
  18. hold (verb) – occupy, be in, have.
  19. pay a price (phrase) – experience the result/consequences of something.
  20. harmony (noun) – unity, solidarity, cooperation, agreement/concord.
  21. arbiter (noun) – judge, referee; authority, arbitrator.  
  22. credit (noun) – praise, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgement, admiration, kudos.
  23. due (adjective) – deserved by, merited by, appropriate to, suitable for, proper to.
  24. reconcile (verb) – restore, patch up, make up, settle, conciliate (friendly relations).
  25. in fact (phrase) – actually, really, in reality.
  26. campaign (noun) – canvassing, electioneering, an act of soliciting (asking for/requesting) votes; an organized effort that seeks to influence the decision-making progress within a specific group.
  27. remarkable (adjective) – extraordinary, exceptional, outstanding, striking.
  28. persona (noun) – personality, public face.
  29. constituency (noun) – a group of people with shared (political) interests.
  30. incoming (adjective) – new, next, elected, -to-be, designate.
  31. uncompromising (adjective) – resolute, determined, inflexible, unyielding, unyielding, unflagging; unceasing, persistent, unrelenting.
  32. champion (noun) – advocate , supporter, promoter, proponent.
  33. caste justice (noun) – the view that every caste deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities.
  34. confront (verb) – challenge, oppose, resist, square up to, face.
  35. in the process (noun) – when doing something.
  36. quintessential (adjective) – being the most perfect & typical example of something; classic, ideal, consummate, exemplary, best, ultimate.
  37. interest group (noun) – a group of persons with shared interests.
  38. fiercely (adverb) – very, highly, extremely, desperately, terribly, incredibly.
  39. loyal (adjective) – faithful, true, devoted, staunch, reliable, trustworthy, dedicated, dutiful.
  40. in the face of (phrase) – despite, notwithstanding, regardless of; when confronted with.
  41. odds (noun) – difference, variance, disagreement.
  42. affable (adjective) – friendly, warm, amiable, welcoming.
  43. earthy (adverb) – down-to-earth, simple, natural.
  44. appeal (noun) – attraction, attractiveness, interest, charisma.
  45. fillip (noun) – stimulus, boost, encouragement, incentive, impetus.
  46. potentially (adverb) – arguably, likely, possibly, probably, maybe, perhaps.
  47. steadfast (adjective) – firm, resolute, determined, insistent, single-minded.
  48. defence (noun) – protection, safeguarding, fortification, support.
  49. character (noun) – attributes, features, qualities, traits.
  50. umbrella (noun as modifier) – protection, guidance, support, backing, guardianship.
  51. umbrella organization (noun) – an association of institutions who work together formally to coordinate activities and/or pool resources.
  52. look up to (phrasal verb) – have a high opinion of, think highly of, regard highly, admire, respect, appreciate.
  53. sustain (verb) – continue, carry on, keep up, maintain, bolster up.
  54. momentum (noun) – the increase in the rate of growth of something; strength, impetus.
  55. consequently (adverb) – as a result, accordingly, for this/that reason, thus.


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