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The Hindu Editorial (Two to tango) – Dec 11, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (Two to tango) – Dec 11, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (Two to tango) – Dec 11, 2024:

  1. it takes two to tango (phrase) – two people, who involved in a problem, must accept the blame (or) an activity which needs both parties to participate in it to happen. (tango is a ballroom dance which requires two partners moving in relation to each other, sometimes in tandem (alongside each other) (sometimes in opposition).
  2. ties (noun) – association, relationship, bond, connection.
  3. grapple with (verb) – tackle, confront, deal with, cope with.
  4. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during.
  5. deteriorating (adjective) – weakening, aggravating, worsening, degenerating, declining.
  6. much-needed (adjective) – very necessary.
  7. outreach (noun) – the level of reaching out/activity/effort; involvement.
  8. interim (adjective) – provisional, temporary, short-term, transitional.
  9. bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries.
  10. model (noun) – perfect example, classic example, epitome.
  11. unravel (verb) – fall apart, fail, collapse, go wrong, founder, be unsuccessful, fall through
  12. fled past & past participle of flee (verb) – escape, abscond, run away, take flight, leave abruptly/hastily.
  13. interference (noun) – intervention, involvement, meddling, intrusion.
  14. call for (phrasal verb) – require, publicly ask/necessitate, demand.
  15. stand trial (phrase) be tried/enquired in a court of law.
  16. trial (adjective) – court case, lawsuit, inquiry, tribunal.
  17. charge (noun) – accusation, allegation, indictment.
  18. crackdown (noun) – clampdown, getting tough/severe measures, suppression.
  19. sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation (against the established government/authority).
  20. led to past participle of lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, give rise to.
  21. mission (noun) – a group composed of government officers representing the interests and welfare of their country who have been posted abroad.
  22. fuel (verb) – stoke up, provoke, incite, goad, stimulate, encourage, intensify, support.
  23. talks (noun) – dialogue, discussion, deliberation, consultation, parley, negotiation.
  24. stress (verb) – emphasize, underline, underscore, highlight, draw attention to.
  25. well-received (adjective) – cordially welcomed.
  26. shrill (adjective) – high pitched, acute, sharp, high.
  27. rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
  28. measured (adjective) – thoughtful, careful, carefully chosen, well thought out, calculated, planned.
  29. acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize.
  30. regrettable (adjective) – undesirable, unfortunate, disappointing/distressing.
  31. diplomatic (adjective) – tactful, sensitive, subtle, delicate; consular, foreign-policy.
  32. clear the clouds (phrase) – remove or eliminate confusions; clear the air, reconcile differences, make peace, restore harmony.
  33. tensions (noun) – strained relations, strain, unease.
  34. pick up the threads (phrase) – start/begin something again (after a long time) that has been interrupted.
  35. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  36. largely (adverb) – mostly, mainly, generally.
  37. optics (noun) – the way in which something (political action/situation) is recognized by the general public.
  38. chart (verb) – outline, describe, detail.
  39. course (noun) – plan of action.
  40. nudge (verb) – encourage, stimulate, prompt, coax; push gently, move gradually.
  41. neighbour (noun) – a country that is next to another country; (bordering) country.
  42. spillover (noun) – consequence, outcome, repercussion (an unexpected one).
  43. throw up (phrasal verb) – produce something
  44. ouster (noun) – removal, unseating, eviction, overthrow, dismissal, ejection, ousting, sacking.
  45. blow (noun) – setback, misfortune; shock, surprise.
  46. engage with (verb) – establish a significant connection with; become involved in, take part in, participate in, play a part in.
  47. enduring (adjective) – lasting, long-lasting, continuing; long-standing.
  48. interest (noun) – common concerns (in politics/business).
Note : 
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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