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The Hindu Editorial (​​Truce under fire) – Mar 01, 2025

The Hindu Editorial (​​Truce under fire) – Mar 01, 2025

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The Hindu Editorial (​​Truce under fire) – Mar 01, 2025:

  1. under fire (noun) – being attacked; being severely criticized.
  2. truce (noun) – an ad-hoc (temporary/makeshift) arrangement, arrived at by the combatants (fighters), to pause the fighting. Temporary cessation/suspension (of hostilities); A deal to stop fighting for a certain time.
  3. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary stoppage of war, truce, armistice.
  4. cessation of hostilities (phrase) – it means that the combatants are willing to stop fighting and to restrain their forces.
  5. Gaza (noun) – a Palestinian city in the Gaza Strip. Gaza Strip is a self-governing Palestinian territory surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Israel and Egypt.
  6. come to an end (phrase) – to finish; to reach an end; to become completed.
  7. growing (adjective) – increasing.
  8. fragile (adjective) – vulnerable, risky, unreliable, insecure.
  9. strain (noun) – pressure, stressdemand/burden.
  10. troops (noun) – armed forces, forces, soldiers.
  11. displaced (adjective) – relating to an act of forcing someone to leave his/her home, usually due to war, persecution, or natural disaster.
  12. security prisoner (noun) – security prisoner is defined as “A prisoner who was convicted and sentenced for committing a crime, or who is imprisoned on suspicion of committing a crime, which due to its nature or circumstances was defined as a security offense or whose motive was nationalistic.
  13. in return for (phrase) – in exchange for, in consideration of, in response to.
  14. hostage (noun) – a person captured or held as security for the fulfilment of certain conditions/terms.
  15. bring to an end (phrase) – to stop, finish, or complete something.
  16. stuck to past tense of stick to (phrasal verb) – comply with, abide by, hold to, adhere to, act in accordance with, conform to.
  17. commitment (noun) – dedication, adherence, obligation, responsibility, onus, liability, accountability.
  18. talks (noun) – discussion, discourse, debate, dialogue, deliberation, negotiation, parley.
  19. delegation (noun) – delegates, (diplomatic) mission, representatives, deputation, envoys, emissaries, group.
  20. withdrawal (noun) – retreat, pullout, pullback, disengagement, departure (of military troops from an area of conflict).
  21. corridor (noun) – a strip/swathe of land linking two areas (particularly by a road).
  22. rule out (verb) – reject, discard, dismiss, exclude, cancel, eliminate.
  23. pull back (noun) – retreat, pullout, withdrawal, disengagement, departure (of military troops from an area of conflict).
  24. cast doubt on (phrase) – call into question, have doubts about, feel apprehensive about, make something seem less certain; distrust, mistrust, suspect.
  25. cross border (adjective) – across a border between two states/countries.
  26. objective (noun) – target, intention, purpose, goal/aim.
  27. dismantle (verb) – topple, demolish, destroy, knock down.
  28.  eventually (adverb) – ultimately, finally, at last, in the end.
  29. strike a deal (phrase) – to come to an agreeement, to make an agreement, to reach an agreement.
  30. strike (verb) – reach, achieve, or agree to.
  31. withdraw (noun) – retreat, pull out, pull back, disengage, depart (military troops from an area of conflict).
  32. enclave (noun) – area, region (enclosed within).
  33. outcome (noun) – conclusion, development, result, aftermath, consequence, implication.
  34. lead to (verb) – cause, result in, bring on, bring about, produce, give rise to.
  35. right-religious (adjective) – Jewish right; religiously motivated right-wing; relating to the Christian political factions characterized by their strong support of socially conservative and traditionalist policies; 
  36. ethnically (adverb) – culturally, racially.
  37. ethnic cleansing (noun) – mass murder, massacre, genocide, mass slaughter.
  38. harden (verb) – stiffen, solidify, strengthen, reinforce; toughen.
  39. position (noun) – opinion, thinking, feeling, thought, approach, belief,  perspective, point of view, stance, outlook, viewpoint.
  40. violate (verb) – break, breach, fail to comply with.
  41. terms (noun) – conditions.
  42. step into (phrasal verb) – to become involved in; to enter into.
  43. abyss (noun) – a catastrophic/disastrous/awful situation.
  44. fire power (noun) – the military capability. 
  45. Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) (noun) – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are the armed forces of Israel, comprising the Israeli army, navy, and air force. it is was established in 1948 and commonly known in Israel by its Hebrew acronym Tzahal.
  46. root in (verb) – firmly establish, entrench, ingrain; have as an origin/cause.
  47. await (verb) – wait for.
  48. war of attrition (noun) – a military strategy consisting of aggressive attempts to win a war by wearing down (weakening) the enemy to the point of collapse through continuous losses in personnel and materiel.
  49. Jewish state (noun) – Israel country.
  50. rather than (phrase) – instead of.
  51. outlandish (adjective) – strange, peculiar, odd, weird, unusual, bizarre.
  52. leverage (noun) – power, authority, sway, clout, influence, weight, position, muscle.
  53. neighbour (noun) – a country/state that is next to another country; (bordering) country.
  54. draw up (phrasal verb) – formulate, plan, prepare, devise, create, work out.
  55. post-war (adjective) – happening after a war
  56. governance (noun) – government, regime, administration.
Note : 
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2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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