The Hindu Editorial (Tripping trade) – May 17, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Tripping trade) – May 17, 2023:
- tripping (adjective) – falling, slipping, sliding, tumbling, stumbling.
- trip (verb) – fall, slip, slid, tumble, stumble.
- rely on (phrasal verb) – depend on; bank on, count on, resort to, have recourse to.
- opt (verb) – select, choose, decide on, go for.
- global value chains (GVC) (noun) – International production, trade and investments are increasingly organised within so-called global value chains (GVCs) where the different stages of the production process are located across different countries. (also known as the global supply chain).
- be off to a good/bad start (phrase) – to be good/bad at the starting of something.
- subdued (adjective) – low, dim, dull, gloomy; restrained, controlled, toned down.
- front (noun) – a particular area of operation.
- slump (verb) – slide, fall, slip, drop, decrease.
- outbound (adjective) – travelling/going away from a particular place/country.
- successive (adjective) – continuous, back to back, straight.
- contraction (noun) – In economics, it refers to a decline in national output as measured by gross domestic product.
- shrank past of shrink (verb) – lessen, reduce, decrease.
- steepest superlative adjective of steep (adjective) – sudden, sharp, rapid.
- sequential (adjective) – happened in sequence/order/succession.
- momentum (noun) – the increase in the rate of growth of something; strength, impetus.
- akin (adjective) – similar, comparable, equivalent, parallel.
- lingering (adjective) – long-drawn-out, protracted, prolonged, persisting.
- hit (verb) – reach, attain (a level/stage).
- Foreign Trade Policy (noun) – Foreign Trade Policy is a set of guidelines and instructions established by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in matters related to the import and export of goods in India. The Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry announces Export Import Policy every five years.
- enunciate (verb) – pronounce, articulate; express, state.
- implementation (noun) – imposition, enforcement, execution, carrying out.
- prospects (noun) – chances, possibilities, expectations, outlook, future.
- replicate (verb) – emulate, recreate, reproduce, copy.
- bleak (adjective) – unpromising, unfavourable, disadvantageous, discouraging, disheartening.
- draw (verb) – obtain, get, derive, deduce, infer, gather.
- succour (noun) – (financial) help, aid, assistance, relief.
- trade deficit (noun) – a trade deficit (a deficit in the balance of trade) occurs when the value of a country’s imports exceeds that of its exports. It is also called a trade gap.
- ease (verb) – reduce, moderate, lessen, decrease.
- proclaimed (adjective) – indicated, shown, announced, declared, trumpeted.
- insulation (noun) – protection, shelter, shield.
- headwinds (noun) – (in business) situations or conditions that make growth harder/difficult. Whereas tailwinds describe a situation or condition that will move growth, revenues, or profits higher.
- ebbing (noun) – decrease, decline, diminishing, lessening, waning, dwindling, fading away.
- ebb (verb) – diminish, decrease, lessen, decline, fade away, wane, dwindle, disappear .
- plummet (verb) – decrease, drop, decline, slump, tumble.
- value-added (noun as modifier) – the extra value created over and above the original value of something.
- cool (verb) – reduce, lessen, diminish, moderate; soothe, assuage.
- basket (noun) – a group of something (taxes, investments, commodities, etc.).
- concede (verb) – admit, accept, agree.
- respite (noun) – rest, break, interval, intermission, halt.
- faltering (adjective) – delaying, uncertain, unsteady/weak, precarious, irresolute, hesitant.
- open up (phrasal verb) – become present, become available, or become accessible.
- prompt (verb) – cause, bring about, give rise to.
- forecast (noun) – prediction, indication, projection, prognosis, speculation, calculation (of future events or trends).
- World Trade Organization (WTO) (noun) – an intergovernmental organization that is concerned with the regulation of international trade between nations.
- underwhelming (adjective) – unsatisfactory, not exciting, disappointing.
- reluctant (adjective) – unwilling, disinclined, resisting, opposed, hesitant.
- speed up (phrasal verb) – accelerate, increase, intensify.
- hold up (phrasal verb) – delay, prevent, obstruct, impede, hinder, hamper, inhibit.
- turmoil (noun) – disorder, turbulence, confusion, trouble, chaos.
- slack (adjective) – inactive, slow, inefficient.
- reliance on (noun) – confidence in, dependence, belief in.
- pursue (verb) – engage in, take part in, be occupied in, participate in (an activity).
- multilateral (adjective) – involving many different countries (in which all WTO member countries are party to the agreement).
- yield (verb) – give, provide, bring in, generate, produce.
- measure (noun) – action, step, procedure.
- hold down (phrasal verb) – to keep something at a low level.
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The Hindu Editorial (Tripping trade) – May 17, 2023:

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