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The Hindu Editorial (Tradition and formality) – Mar 10, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Tradition and formality) – Mar 10, 2022

Two contrasting issues concerning the legislature in two States appear to sum up the potential for political controversy when elected governments and Governors do not see eye to eye. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Tradition and formality) – Mar 10, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Tradition and formality) – Mar 10, 2022:

  1. formality (noun) – (official) procedure, regulation, convention, ritual, custom. 
  2. constitutional reform (noun) – it refers to the political and legal processes needed to amend the existing Constitution of a particular country.  It is also known as charter change. As of October 2021, there have been 105 amendments of the Constitution of India since it was first enacted in 1950.
  3. wrangle (verb) – argue, debate, disagree.
  4. lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to.
  5. politicise (verb) – to make something into a political issue.
  6. constitutional (adjective) – relating to an established Constitution of a country; legal, lawful, legitimate.
  7. norm (noun) – standard, convention, regulation, measure.
  8. contrasting (adjective) – conflicting, contradictory, different, dissimilar.
  9. concerning (preposition) – about, regarding, with regard to, with reference to, with respect to,in the matter of, in connection with.
  10. legislature (noun) – law-making body or governing body; parliament, congress, assembly.
  11. sum up (phrasal verb) – summarize, give a summary of, give an abstract of, encapsulate, outline, put in a nutshell; evaluate, assess, appraise, adjudge, form an opinion of, form an impression of.
  12. potential (noun) – possibilities, potentiality, prospects.
  13. see eye to eye (phrase) – agree, concur, be in agreement, be of the same mind, be of the same opinion.
  14. legislator (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); lawmaker, representative.
  15. virtually (adverb) – practically, almost, nearly.
  16. plead (verb) – beg, appeal to, request, ask earnestly.
  17. customary (adjective) – usual, traditional, normal, conventional.
  18. address (noun) – formal speech, talk, discourse, oration.
  19. amidst (preposition) – amid, in the middle of; during.
  20. prolonged (adjective) – lengthy, extended, protracted, unending, unrelenting.
  21. uproar (noun) – outcry, furore, complaint, objection, protest.
  22. give in (phrasal verb) – capitulate, surrender, yield, submit, ack down, give way, comply.
  23. ultimately (adverb) – finally, eventually, in the end.
  24. persuade (verb) – convince, coax, prevail on.
  25. on the other hand (phrase) – as an alternative.
  26. address (verb) – (formally) talk to, give a talk to, give an address to, speak to, make a speech to, give a discourse to, give an oration to.
  27. prorogue (verb) – to postpone/terminate/suspend a session of a parliament without dissolving it.
  28. scope (noun) – opportunity, freedom, latitude, leeway, capacity, liberty, room.
  29. contend (verb) – assert, maintain, claim, argue, profess, affirm, avow, insist, state, declare, pronounce.
  30. ceremonial (adjective) – titular, formal, official, ritual, ritualistic, prescribed.
  31. commence (verb) – begin, start, initiate, get going.
  32. episode (noun) – a group of events; incident, event, affair, occurrence.
  33. arise (from) (verb) – happen, occur, appear (as a result of something); result, follow, ensue, derive, stem from.
  34. conflict (noun) – dispute, quarrel, squabble, disagreement, difference of opinion.
  35. secretariat (noun) – it is used to refer to the complex of departments whose heads, administratively are secretaries and politically are the ministers. The state secretariat conducts the different functions that come under the jurisdiction of the state government, co-ordinates the activities of different departments of the state government, and carries the responsibilities of implementing the fiscal, administrative, and other policies implemented or adopted by the state government.
  36. Raj Bhavan (noun) – the official residence of Governors of States and Lieutenant Governors of Union Territories.
  37. aggrieved (adjective) – disgruntled, dissatisfied, unhappy, upset, annoyed, disappointed.
  38. deviate (verb) – diverge, digress, drift, turn away, turn aside, get sidetracked,  differ, vary, change, depart, be different.
  39. text (noun) – written work, narrative.
  40. albeit (conjunction) – though, even though, however.
  41. regime (noun) – government.
  42. government of the day (phrase) – it refers to the government that is existing at a particular period of time; it also refers to the political party or party coalition with a majority in the legislature.
  43. occasion (noun) – event, affair, function, gathering, ceremony.
  44. mire in (verb) – entangle, catch up, involve, mix up (a difficult situation).
  45. wrangling (noun) – long dispute, argument, quarrel.
  46. institutional decay (noun) – it refers to the decline/collapse/failure of normative authority by institutions.
  47. decay (noun) – deterioration, degeneration, decline, weakening, atrophy, disintegration, collapse, failure.
  48. unwarranted (adjective) – unjustified, unnecessary, unreasonable, uncalled for, groundless.
  49. politicisation (noun) – a state/condition/situation of something which is influenced/controlled by politics.
  50. result in (verb) – cause, bring on, bring about, call forth, give rise to.
  51. abandonment (noun) – discontinuation, termination, stopping.
  52. constitutional crisis (noun) – it is defined as a situation when a country’s constitution is not able to clearly resolve an issue/problem/conflict in the function of a Government at it’s disposal.
  53. significance (noun) – importance, noteworthiness, consequence, substance, seriousness, gravity, weight.
  54. recognition (noun) –  validity, legality; endorsement, ratification; acknowledgement, acceptance, admission.
  55. after all (phrase) – most importantly, above all, beyond everything, ultimately.
  56. sound (adjective) – well founded, valid, reasonable, logical, solid, reliable.
  57. relevance (noun) – significance, importance.
  58. incumbent (adjective) – current/existing/present holder, bearer or occupant of an office.
  59. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided, preferential, partial, interested, bigoted, sectarian, factional.
  60. do away with (phrasal verb) – abolish, quash, get rid of, discard, remove, eliminate, discontinue, cancel, stop.
  61. read out (phrasal verb) – read something loudly.
  62. in vogue (phrase) – prevalent, popular, in favour, in demand, desired, sought-after.
  63. abide by (phrasal verb) – comply with, obey, observe, follow, conform to, adhere to, stick to.
  64. notwithstanding (preposition) – nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, in spite of that, despite that.
  65. civility (noun) – politeness, good manners, consideration, respect.
  66. discourse (noun) – talk, address, speech, oration.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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