The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023

The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023

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The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023:

  1. timely (adjective) – prompt, well timed, at the right time, opportune, appropriate.
  2. exhortation (noun) – a communication/statement that forcefully urges someone to do something; urging, encouragement, pushing, insistence; call, demand, entreaty, appeal.
  3. Enforcement Directorate (ED) (noun) – Directorate of Enforcement is a specialized financial investigation agency under the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. It was established in the year 1956 with its Headquarters at New Delhi. It is responsible for enforcement of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) (Civil Law) and certain provisions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA) (Criminal Law).
  4. atmosphere (noun) – conditions, circumstances, backdrop/background.
  5. temper (verb) – moderate, tone down, mitigate, decrease, lessen.
  6. zeal (noun) – enthusiasm, eagerness, keenness, appetite, devotion.
  7. allegation (noun) – accusation, charge, indictment.
  8. opponent (noun) – adversary, the opposition, rival.
  9. regime (noun) – government.
  10. harass (verb) – bother, annoy, disturb, trouble, torment.
  11. in the name of (phrase) –  in order to assist a specific thing; for the sake of, at the behest of; on behalf of.
  12. money laundering (noun) – a secret act of moving illegally acquired funds into legal bank accounts or investments.
  13. alleged (adjective) – supposed, claimed, professed, purported, reported, ostensible.
  14. liquor (noun) – alcoholic drink.
  15. scandal (noun) – impropriety, misconduct, wrongdoing, crime.
  16. bench (noun) – a court of law with a number of judges.
  17. pertinent (adjective) – applicable, appropriate, suitable, related, relevant.
  18. bona fide (adjective) – legitimate, legal, genuine, real, authentic.
  19. cause (nun) – reason.
  20. law enforcement agencies (noun) – a government agency responsible for enforcing the law. For example – Enforcement Directorate (ED), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and etc.
  21. observation (noun) – remark, comment, statement, pronouncement.
  22. transgress (verb) – breach, contravene, disobey, break.
  23. perception (noun) – understanding, discernment, recognition/realization; interpretation.
  24. gain ground (phrase) – make progress, make headway, progress, advance; become popular, become widely known, become widely accepted.
  25. go to (any) lengths (phrase) – to do whatever/anything possible to complete a task (and achieve a goal); go to any extreme, go to any limits.
  26. implicate (verb) – involve, connect, incriminate, embroil, enmesh, inculpate (someone in a crime).
  27. given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
  28. summon (verb) – order someone to be present; call for, ask for, request the presence of.
  29. imprison (verb) – incarcerate, arrest, prison, take into custody.
  30. level (verb) – direct (a charge/allegation/accusation).
  31. on behalf of (phrase) – in the name of, at the behest of, in the interest of.
  32. run amok (phrase) – get out of control, go berserk, rampage.
  33. bid (noun) – attempt, try, endeavour.
  34. adverse (adjective) –  unfavourable, disadvantageous, unfortunate, dreadful, terrible, hostile, ill-disposed, inimical.
  35. politicisation (noun) – a state/condition/situation of something which is influenced/controlled by politics.
  36. personnel (noun) – force, crew, employees, workforce, staff.
  37. witch hunt (noun) – it means to find and punish people believed to be evil- even if they were not. It does also mean an unfair campaign by one side against its political opponents.
  38. offence (noun) – crime, misconduct, misdeed, wrongdoing, criminal act.
  39. attract (verb) – evoke, tempt, engage, draw.
  40. over and above (phrase) – in addition to, on top of, over and beyond, plus, as well as, besides, along with.
  41. uncover (verb) – reveal, show, display, exhibit, disclose.
  42. on the heels of (phrase) – close behind, soon after, right after, following closely.
  43. Prevention of Money-Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 (noun) – It is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted by the NDA government to prevent money-laundering and to provide for confiscation of property derived from money-laundering.
  44. stringent (adjective) – strict, severe, extreme, rigorous.
  45. subject (noun) – topic, matter, point, issue.
  46. cautious (adjective) – careful, attentive, wary.
  47. expansive (adjective) – extensive, sweeping, all-embracing, comprehensive, thorough, inclusive.
  48. payoff (noun) – return, gain, yield.
  49. money trail (noun) – a series of financial transactions & exchanges revealed as evidence during the investigation of an individual/organisation (involving in illegal business).
  50. thanks to (phrase) – as a result of, owing to, due to, because of.
  51. hold (verb) – conduct, have.
  52. unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable.
  53. backdrop (noun) – situation, scenario, context.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023:

The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023
The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023
The Hindu Editorial (Timely caution) – May 18, 2023

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