The Hindu Editorial (Testing times) – Mar 17, 2023
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The Hindu Editorial (Testing times) – Mar 17, 2023:
- testing (adjective) – challenging, tough, difficult.
- fast-shifting (adjective) – fast-changing.
- dynamics (noun) – basic/fundamental cause or force that triggers change within a system.
- key (adjective) – essential, critical, important, high-priority.
- nuanced (adjective) – delicate, subtle.
- Foreign Trade Policy (noun) – Foreign Trade Policy is a set of guidelines and instructions established by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in matters related to the import and export of goods in India. The Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry announces Export Import Policy every five years.
- attention (noun) – observation, attentiveness, mindfulness, consciousness, awareness.
- fall (verb) – slide, slip, drop, decrease, slump.
- mark (verb) – indicate, signify, represent, denote.
- exuberant (adjective) – buoyant, cheerful, excited, enthusiastic, energetic, vigorous.
- steeper comparative adjective of steep (adjective) – sudden, sharp, rapid.
- collapse (noun) – failure, crash, close-down, foundering/failing (of a business).
- contraction (noun) – decline, decrease, reduction.
- outflow (noun) – the movement of something (capital, assets, goods and etc.) out of a country.
- account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, make up, comprise, form, compose, represent.
- merchandise (noun) – goods, commodities, produce, product.
- propel (verb) – prompt, push, drive, force.
- faltering (adjective) – delaying, uncertain, unsteady/weak, precarious, irresolute, hesitant.
- go beyond (phrasal verb) – to be more than something; to be better than something; to do more than something.
- drag down (phrasal verb) – to bring something to a lower level (in quality/amount); diminish, decrease.
- outlook (noun) – expectations, prospects, expectancy, future, lookout.
- gloom (noun) – depression, woe, despair, hopelessness, unhappiness.
- prevail (verb) – exist, be in existence, be present, be prevalent.
- quarter (noun) – a period of three months (considered as one-fourth of a year).
- recession (noun) – economic decline, slowdown, downturn, depression, slump.
- resilient (adjective) – strong, buoyant, adaptable, durable.
- infuse (verb) – instil, inject, impart, inculcate, introduce, implant, add.
- end up (phrasal verb) – finish up, turn up, come/appear, find oneself (to a particular course of action in the end).
- Ides of (noun) – the 15th day of the March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months.
- dispel (verb) – banish, eliminate, dismiss, make disappear, ease, relieve.
- for now (phrase – for the time being.
- soar (verb) – increase or rise rapidly; shoot up, escalate, skyrocket.
- slump (verb) – fall steeply, drop, slide, plunge, plummet, decline, decrease, nosedive.
- disclosure (noun) – revelation, announcement, admission, surprising fact, report/news.
- vulnerability (noun) – susceptibility, weakness, defencelessness, helplessness, proneness, exposure.
- Credit Suisse (noun) – a leading financial services company, advising clients in all aspects of finance, across the globe and around the clock. A global investment bank and financial services firm founded and based in Switzerland.
- amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by; during.
- Federal Reserve (US) (noun) – the central banking system of the United States (The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s central banking institution).
- scramble (noun) – (a keen/unrestrained) struggle, rush, hurry, race (to do something in order to achieve a goal/result); (hurried & uncontrolled) attempt, effort, free-for-all, competition, contest, contention, scuffle, tussle.
- rein in (phrasal verb) – to control, restrain, restrict, limit someone/something.
- inflation (noun) – simply meaning “cost of living”; increase of price level of goods & services and vice versa decrease of currency value.
- suggest (verb) – indicate, point to, mean, show, imply, demonstrate.
- momentum (noun) – the increase in the rate of growth of something; strength, impetus.
- turn around (phrasal verb) – reverse, change, return; be sucessful.
- anytime soon (phrase) – in the near future.
- Brent crude (noun) – a classification of crude oil produced from the oil platform in the North Sea.
- resurface (verb) – come out of, reappear, reemerge, return.
- benign (adjective) – mild, favourable, agreeable, advantageous, beneficial, helpful.
- shrink (verb) – lessen, reduce, decrease.
- sustained (adjective) – continuous, constant, non-stop, steady, relentless.
- spell (noun) – period, time, season, session, stretch.
- slipping (adjective) – falling, sinking, sliding, declining, decreasing.
- dent (verb) – reduce, lessen, diminish, shrink, weaken, undermine.
- as it is (verb) – in the existing situation.
- contractionary (adjective) – relating to the contraction (decline) of a country’s economy.
- streak (noun) – period, time, spell, session, season, stretch.
- reflect (verb) – indicate, display, show, demonstrate.
- hope (verb) – expect, anticipate, look for, wish for.
- insulate (verb) – protect, safeguard, shield.
- shock (noun) – disturbance causing volatility/uncertainty in an economy.
- rather than (phrase) instead of; in place of.
- edible oil (noun) – cooking oil; fat of plant, animal or microbial origin, which is liquid at room temperature and is suitable for food use.
- zoom (verb) – increase, rise sharply.
- curb (verb) – control, contain, restrict, limit.
- inessential (adjective) – unnecessary, unwanted, needless, unimportant.
- keep something in check (phrase) – control, curb, restrain, hold back, keep under control.
- deficit (noun) – shortfall, deficiency, shortage, undersupply, slippage.
- territory (noun) – area of activity; sphere, field.
- supply chain (noun) – a dynamic network when a company purchases or uses goods or services from others. It involves people, information, processes, and resources involved in the production, handling, and distribution of materials and finished products or providing a service to the customer.
- matter (verb) – be important.
- misstep (noun) – mistake, blunder, false step.
- constrict (verb) – restrict, inhibit, obstruct, limit.
- hit (verb) – reach, arrive at, attain (a particular level).
- bandwidth (noun) – clarity.
- tap (verb) – make use of, put to use, use, utilize, deploy, draw on, exploit.
- nimbly (adverb) – actively, briskly, smartly.
- long-dithered (adjective) – indecisive, unsure, undecided (for a long time).
- rejig (noun) – reorganization, rearrangement, alteration, reconstitution, remaking.
- at any cost (phrase) – no matter how much effort or money needed.
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The Hindu Editorial (Testing times) – Mar 17, 2023:

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