The Hindu Editorial (Striking fear) – Dec 25, 2021
A conclave of Hindu religious leaders and political activists in saffron robes held recently in the holy city of Haridwar has brought great shame to the country and its constitutional and religious values. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial Striking fear) – Dec 25, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Striking fear) – Dec 25, 2021:
- striking (adjective) – noticeable, obvious, conspicuous, evident, salient, visible, distinct, clear-cut, notable.
- hate speech (noun) – abusive or disrespectful speech.
- propaganda (noun) – the (deliberate & systemic) spreading of information (facts, ideas, rumours or lies) to influence public opinion.
- incitement (noun) – provocation, persuasion, inducement.
- meet with (phrasal verb) – answer, deal with, handle.
- conclave (noun) – meeting, gathering, assembly, conference.
- activist (noun) – a person who supports a political or societal change/cause.
- robe (noun) – costume, garments, clothes, apparel.
- constitutional (adjective) – inherent, intrinsic, innate, fundamental, ingrained, deep-rooted.
- personage (noun) – important person, VIP, celebrity/public figure.
- track record (noun) – previous accomplishments, history, past.
- inflammatory (adjective) – provoking, inflaming, inciting, agitational.
- provocative (adjective) – annoying, irritating, agitational, provoking, inflammatory.
- unconscionable (adjective) – unethical, immoral, unprincipled, wrong.
- call (noun) – demand, need, request; requirement, necessity.
- genocide (noun) – mass murder, massacre, ethnic cleansing, mass slaughter.
- arm (verb) – provide with weapons.
- offensive (adjective) – hostile, attacking, aggressive, combative, threatening, warlike, belligerent, bellicose, antagonistic.
- run through (phrasal verb) – be present in every part of something; go through, pervade.
- come out (phrasal verb) – become known, become apparent, come to light, emerge, transpire.
- in the public domain/realm (phrase) – if something (e.g. information) is in the public domain, people generally know about it since it is no secret.
- alarming (adjective) – worrying, disturbing, shocking/distressing.
- zeal (noun) – passion, fervour, eagerness, interest.
- hatred (noun) – enmity, antipathy, antagonism, hostility, resentment, aversion.
- render (verb) – make, cause to be, cause to become.
- vulnerable (adjective) – endangered, unsafe, unprotected, unguarded, ill-protected; easily affected by, prone to, at risk of.
- armed (adjective) – carrying & using weapons/firearms.
- genocidal (adjective) – relating to the deliberate mass murder/killing.
- tenor (noun) – the general content/meaning.
- apotheosis (noun) – culmination, climax, high/highest point.
- divisive (adjective) – alienating/isolating, disharmonious, discordant.
- sectarian (adjective) – dogmatic, partisan, fanatical, bigoted, narrow-minded.
- tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, leaning, penchant.
- impunity (noun) – exemption from punishment, freedom from punishment, immunity, indemnity, non-liability.
- decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
- audaciously (adverb) – boldly, daringly, fearlessly, unflinchingly, courageously, recklessly/rudely.
- (ethnic) cleansing (noun) – the mass expulsion or killing of ethnic group members in a place by another one, particularly a majoritarian group in that place.
- campaign (noun) – an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making progress within a specific group.
- mutiny (noun) – rebellion, revolt, protest.
- the state (noun) – the government.
- astounding (adjective) – staggering, shocking, surprising, stunning.
- indicative (adjective) – expressive, suggestive, evocative.
- organised (adjective) – well ordered, well regulated, methodical, businesslike, planned, systematic, structured, arranged.
- offensive (noun) – attack, assault, onslaught, invasion, offence, act of aggression.
- rule of law (phrase) – it is described as “a principle of governance in which all persons, institutions and entities, public and private, including the State itself, are accountable to laws that are publicly promulgated, equally enforced and independently adjudicated, and which are consistent with international human rights norms and standards.
- cause (noun) – reason, grounds, justification.
- tepid (adjective) – unenthusiastic, uninterested, lukewarm.
- first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive information about the commission of a cognizable offence.
- solitary (adjective) – single, lone, sole, only.
- outrage (noun) – fury, anger, rage, wrath, resentment; affront, offence.
- feigned (adjective) – assumed, pretended; insincere.
- manufactured (adjective) – fabricated, contrived, falsified, fake.
- hallmark (noun) – distinctive feature, characteristic, trait, attribute, quality.
- right-wing (adjective) – conservative, rightist, ultra-right, alt-right.
- outlet (noun) – means of expression; way out.
- rabid (adjective) – extreme, fanatical, overzealous; intolerant, unreasonable, illiberal, biased, partisan, one-sided.
- be bandied about (verb) – spread, discuss, propagate, rumour (an idea in a casual way).
- patronage (noun) – support, backing, protection.
- take a stand against (phrase) – to oppose someone or something courageously.
- explicitly (adverb) – clearly, unequivocally, understandably, without question/doubt.
- denounce (verb) – condemn, criticize, attack, censure, reject.
- affirm (verb) – state, declare, pronounce (clearly & forcefully).
- stand by (phrasal verb) – stand up for, support, uphold, back.
- secularism (noun) – the belief that religion should not have a strong influence in education or other public parts of society.
- tolerance (noun) – forbearance, toleration, liberality, open-mindedness, lack of prejudice, broad-mindedness, liberalism.
- preservation (noun) – conservation, protection, care, safeguarding.
- resolutely (adverb) – determinedly, decidedly, single-mindedly, firmly.
- invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, adduce.
- provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, stipulation, condition.
- content with (verb) – satisfy, please; be satisfied, be pleased.
- Section 153A of the IPC (noun) – it deals with speech that seeks to promote enmity between different communities.
- Indian Penal Code (IPC) (noun) – The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the official criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The draft was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. The Indian Penal Code of 1860, subdivided into 23 chapters, comprises 511 sections. IPC deals with crimes and punishments.
- enmity (noun) – hostility, opposition, hatred/hate, bitterness.
- sedition (noun) – incitement (to riot/rebellion), agitation, trouble making/provocation (against the established government/authority).
- in a heartbeat (phrase) – instantly; immediately.
- revolt (noun) – rebellion, revolution, protest.
- evoke (verb) – invoke, cause, give rise to, bring forth.
- dismiss (verb) – disregard, brush off, shrug off, forget.
- fringe (noun) – a marginal/extreme part of a group.
- given (preposition) – considering, taking into account, bearing in mind.
- vehemence (noun) – vigour, intensity, strength.
- articulation (noun) – expression, revelation, assertion, mention.
- it is only a matter of time (phrase) – If you say that something is just a matter of time, you mean that it is certain to occur at some time in the future.
- phenomenon (noun) – event, happening, fact, situation, case.
- moderate (adjective) – dispassionate, non-extreme, non-radical, non-reactionary, impartial.
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The Hindu Editorial (Striking fear) – Dec 25, 2021:

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