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The Hindu Editorial (Straws in the wind) – Jan 12, 2022

The Hindu Editorial (Straws in the wind) – Jan 12, 2022

The stereotypical image of politicians in India in popular culture is mostly unflattering, but it is also somewhat unfair. For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Straws in the wind) – Jan 12, 2022.

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Courtesy: The Hindu

The Hindu Editorial (Straws in the wind) – Jan 12, 2022:

  1. a straw in the wind (phrase) – a slight indication/sign of what might happen in the future.
  2. defection (noun) – desertion, absconding, decamping.
  3. spurt (noun) – sudden increase, rise, surge.
  4. stereotypical (adjective) – common, ordinary; overused, standardized, clichéd.
  5. popular culture (noun) – a culture that depends on the tastes of ordinary people instead of an educated & higher society people.
  6. unflattering (adjective) – unattractive, unbecoming, ugly, ugly-looking, incorrect.
  7. unfair (adjective) – unjust, inequitable, prejudiced, biased; unequal, uneven.
  8. vocation (noun) – a trade or business or profession; post, position, occupation, profession.
  9. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.
  10. legislator (noun) – a member of a legislature (parliament/legislative assembly); lawmaker, representative.
  11. accountability (noun) – responsibility, liability, answerability.
  12. empower (verb) – authorize, allow, entitle.
  13. tendency (noun) – inclination, disposition, leaning, penchant. 
  14. switch (verb) – change.
  15. on the eve of (phrase) – a period or day before an important event.
  16. spare (verb) – leave unhurt, free.
  17. hardly (adverb) – barely, almost not.
  18. ideology (noun) – a system of belief, set of principles.
  19. affiliation (noun) – relationship, partnership, association, coalition, union, alliance.
  20. anomaly (noun) – something different, abnormal, unusual; oddity, peculiarity, deviation, aberration, exception.
  21. ample (adjective) – enough, sufficient, adequate, plenty of.
  22. disgruntled (adjective) – aggrieved, dissatisfied, unhappy/disappointed.
  23. partyman (noun) – a member of a political party.
  24. bandwagon (noun) – a popular activity/event that is currently become fashion.
  25. hitch (verb) – fasten, connect, attach, tie; lift, raise.
  26. hitch one’s wagon to (a star) (verb) – to try to get advantage/benefit from something or someone else’s success or strength by closely associating with it or them. 
  27. bring in (phrasal verb) – introduce, cause, bring about, create.
  28. calculation (noun) – forecast, projection, prediction, expectation; assessment, judgement.
  29. whiff (noun) – trace, hint, note.
  30. electorate (noun) – all the people who entitled to vote in an election.
  31. occurrence (noun) – event, incident, happening.
  32. pronounced (adjective) – noticeable, marked, strong, conspicuous, striking, distinct, prominent, notable.
  33. identity (noun) – a social category, a set of persons marked by a label and distinguished by rules deciding membership and (alleged) characteristic features or attributes; individuality, character, originality.
  34. no longer (phrase) – not anymore.
  35. ideological (adjective) – relating to a system of ideas (ideology).
  36. divide (noun) – division, separation, difference, polarity, divergence.
  37. for instance (phrase) – as an example.
  38. dime a dozen (phrase) – be very common; of very little value; tedious, dull, monotonous.
  39. opportunist (noun) – a person who is selfish, self-centred, self-seeking, egocentric.
  40. consideration (noun) – factor, issue, point, concern, matter.
  41. legislative (adjective) – relating to a legislature; law-making, policymaking.
  42. fortunes (noun) – luck, fate, destiny, predestination, karma.
  43. party-hopping (noun) – an act of moving often from one place (party) to another place (party).
  44. of late (phrase) – recently, lately, in the past few days.
  45. come as a surprise (phrase) – to make someone feel surprised.
  46. contestation (noun) – contention, disagreement, disputation, argument.
  47. fractious (adjective) – argumentative, quarrelsome, contentious, controversial, difficult (to control), disagreeable.
  48. polity (noun) – a politically organized society.
  49. fray (noun) – contest, competition.
  50. exacerbate (verb) – intensify, increase, heighten, aggravate, make worse, worsen.
  51. widen (verb) – increase, enlarge, expand.
  52. more so (phrase) – to a greater degree; to a greater extent.  
  53. hopper (noun) – a person who  pass/go quickly from one place to another; defector, betrayer, turncoat, traitor (a person who changes sides).
  54. Other Backward Class (OBC) (noun) – In the Indian Constitution, OBCs are described as socially and educationally backward classes (SEBC), and the Government of India is enjoined to ensure their social and educational development.
  55. diligently (adverb) – conscientiously, particularly,  meticulously, painstakingly, attentively, carefully.
  56. woo (verb) – tempt, coax, persuade, pursue, chase.
  57. get an edge over (phrase) – to have a slight advantage over.
  58. Mandal party (noun) – a party which supports the (socially and educationally) backward castes.
  59. consolation (noun) – comfort, solace.
  60. in the fact that (phrase) – Used to refer to a particular situation under discussion.
  61. identity politics (plural noun) – it is also called as identitarian politics, refers to political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify. Identity politics is when people of a particular race, ethnicity, gender, or religion form alliances and organize politically to defend their group’s interests.
  62. salient (adjective) – important, main, major, primary, notable.
  63. secure (verb) – obtain ,get, acquire, find something with difficulty.
  64. close call (noun) – narrow escape.
  65. put up a fight (phrase) – retaliate, counterattack, strike back, hit back, reply, respond, react, reciprocate, give tit for tat.
  66. spirited (adjective) – energetic, active, vigorous, dynamic, enthusiastic, passionate, fiery.
  67. at the very least (phrase) – to put it mildly, without any exaggeration.
  68. aura (noun) – atmosphere, quality, aspect, character, feeling/mood, spirit.
  69. invincibility (noun) – unconquerability; unbeatable & powerful quality.
  70. markedly (adverb) – noticeably, strikingly, distinctly.
  71. erosion (noun) – destruction, undermining, weakening, sapping, deterioration, disintegration.
  72. unmistakable (adjective) – definite, obvious, evident, well defined.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in a different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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