The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) – Sep 17, 2020

The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) – Sep 17, 2020

A blanket gag order against the media is often fraught with serious consequences for both free speech and the citizen’s right… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) – Sep 17, 2020.

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Today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) – Sep 17, 2020:

  1. blanket (adjective) – overall, total, complete, extensive, outright, widespread.
  2. gag order (noun) – gagging order; it is an order, typically a legal order by a court or government, restricting information or comment from being made public or passed onto any unauthorized third party.
  3. omnibus (adjective) – the Latin word literally meaning “for all”; consisting several parts/items.
  4. prejudice (noun) – bias, discrimination, partiality, intolerance, bigotry.
  5. often (adverb) – frequently, repeatedly, many times.
  6. fraught with (adjective) – full of, filled with, loaded with.
  7. consequence (noun) – result, outcome, effect; ramification, repercussion.
  8. restrain (verb) – control, restrict, limit.
  9. draw attention to (phrase) – emphasize, highlight, underscore; focus on.
  10. restraint (noun) – control, restriction, limitation.
  11. trial (noun) – court case, lawsuit, hearing, inquiry.
  12. interim (adjective) – provisional, transitional, temporary.
  13. interim order (noun) – a temporary court order.
  14. in relation to (phrase) – with respect to, regarding, relevant to.
  15. first information report (FIR) (noun) – a written document prepared by the police when they receive  information about the commission (committing) of a cognizable offence. (cognizable offence – arrest without warrant); (cognizable – able to be apprehended).
  16. material (adjective) – relevant, applicable, pertinent; significant, important.
  17. censorship (noun) – the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient.
  18. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, indictment.
  19. petitioner (noun) – supplicant, pleader, applicant, claimant.
  20. foisted (adjective) – forced, imposed (something fake as genuine); faked, forged, falsified, misrepresented.
  21. accompany (verb) – occur with, be present with, coincide with, coexist with.
  22. indeed (adverb) – in fact, actually.
  23. extraordinary (adjective) – rare, unusual, uncommon.
  24. vendetta (noun) – prolonged feud/bitterness; revenge, vengeance.
  25. allege (verb) – claim, assert, accuse, charge.
  26. of the day (phrase) – existing at a particular period of time.
  27. regime (noun) – government.
  28. scrutiny (noun) – examination, inspection, investigation.
  29. reportage (noun) – the act of reporting news.
  30. legitimate (adjective) – valid, reasonable, reliable.
  31. comment (noun) – remark, opinion.
  32. to the effect that (phrase) – used to provide the basic meaning of what has been said or written.
  33. substance (noun) – significant subject, important matter/content, valid message.
  34. injunction (noun) – judicial order, ruling, directive, warning (that compels a party to do or refrain from specific acts).
  35. defamation (noun) – character assassination, libel, misrepresentation, scandalmongering, malicious gossip.
  36. invasion (noun) – violation, infringement, breach.
  37. fairness (noun) – impartiality, justness, neutrality, equal treatment.
  38. hold (verb) – rule, decide.
  39. preventive relief (noun) – According to Section 37, the Specific Relief Act, 1963 defines that preventive relief is granted at the discretion of the court by injunction, temporary or perpetual (permanent).
  40. favour (verb) – support, back, endorse, advocate, espouse.
  41. substantial (adjective) – considerable, significant.
  42. ground (noun) – reason, factor, basis, rationale, premise.
  43. air (verb) – broadcast, transmit, show, telecast, disseminate.
  44. vilification (noun) – condemnation, criticism/censure, character assassination, defamation.
  45. interdict (verb) – ban, block, stop.
  46. distinction (noun) – difference, contrast, dissimilarity, variance.
  47. propagation (noun) – spreading and promoting an idea/theory.
  48. solely (adverb) – only, simply, merely.
  49. defame (verb) – discredit, tarnish, insult.
  50. sue (verb) – take legal action against, take to court, file a lawsuit. 
  51. outlet (noun) – a firm that broadcasts/publishes journalism.
  52. open-ended (adjective) – permanent, perpetual, everlasting, continuing, constant, fixed.
  53. hardly (adverb) – barely, only just, narrowly, slightly.
  54. ought to (modal verb) – must, should.
  55. detriment (noun) – disadvantage, impairment, loss, prejudice.


 1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purpose only and they may vary in different context. 
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

Today’s word list-1 The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) – Sep 17, 2020:

The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) - Sep 17, 2020 The Hindu Editorial (Stop press) - Sep 17, 2020

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