The Hindu Editorial (Staying invested) – Aug 24, 2021
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s decision to ask the MEA to brief all parliamentary parties on the Government’s actions in Afghanistan comes as questions grow about the Government’s planning for contingencies there,… For further reading, visit “The Hindu”. Below is today’s word list-1 for The Hindu Editorial (Staying invested) – Aug 24, 2021.
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The Hindu Editorial (Staying invested) – Aug 24, 2021:
- interest (noun) – (common) concern, stake, involvement.
- The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) (noun) – The Ministry of External Affairs (abbreviated as MEA) of India, also known as the Foreign Ministry, is the government agency responsible for the conduct of foreign relations of India.
- brief (verb) – inform of, tell about, update on, apprise of, give information about.
- contingency plan (noun) – a proactive strategy that describes the course of actions or steps the management of an organization (or the leadership of a government) needs to take in response to a potential negative event or situation (such as an economic recession, pandemic, natural disaster, terrorist attack & etc.,) that might happen in the future.
- contingency (noun) – a possible event or circumstance, happening, occurrence of a possible incident but not guaranteed/certain to happen/occur.
- takeover (noun) – seizure, occupation, capture; gaining of control, change of ownership.
- militia (noun) – armed forces, military unit, insurgent, rebel (that involves in rebel/terrorist activities against the main/regular forces).
- occupy (verb) – busy, active.
- challenging (adjective) – demanding, taxing, difficult.
- evacuation (noun) – the act of moving people from a dangerous place; removal, shifting.
- in addition (phrase) – as well as, additionally, moreover.
- evacuate (verb) – ask people to leave, empty, move out of, get out of, exit from (from a dangerous place).
- embassy (noun) – the diplomatic office building in a foreign country where the ambassador & team live and work; consulate, mission.
- personnel (noun) – force, staff, workforce.
- facilitate (verb) – make easy, make possible, enable, assist, help/aid.
- strategic (adjective) – key, crucial, critical, important; relating to achieving long-term or overall goals.
- undertake (verb) – begin, start; engage in, become involved in.
- stake (noun) – interest, involvement, concern.
- deeply rooted (phrase) – firmly/strongly established.
- considerable (adjective) – substantial, sizable, significant, much, a lot of.
- infrastructure (noun) – the basic physical or organisational structure for something (to function properly).
- ongoing (adjective) – current, existing, continuing.
- script (verb) – write.
- enable (verb) – empower, facilitate.
- bank (noun) – array, line, series.
- goodwill (noun) – compassion; cooperation, collaboration, friendliness, mutual support.
- come to naught (phrase) – fail, be defeated, be unsuccessful, be in vain.
- pull up (phrasal verb) – stop, halt, pause.
- emulate (verb) – imitate, follow, mirror; take as a model, take as an example.
- diplomatic (adjective) – (delicate & sensitive) consular, foreign-policy.
- outpost (noun) – a small military camp/post.
- going forward (phrase) – in the future.
- regime (noun) – government.
- merely (adverb) – only, simply, just.
- brutal (adjective) – cruel, savage, barbaric, vicious, wicked.
- negotiation (noun) – discussions, talks, deliberation; discussing the terms of, arrangement.
- under way (phrase) – in progress, happening, occurring, taking place.
- inclusive (adjective) – all-inclusive, comprehensive.
- coalition (noun) – allaince, partnership.
- fructify (verb) – make fruitful/productive.
- transitional (adjective) – interim, temporary, provisional, conditional.
- backer (noun) – supporter, upholder, champion, defender.
- staging base (noun) – an area in which people are assembled to organize/arrange an operation/activity.
- associate (noun) – partner, colleague, co-worker, fellow worker, workmate.
- sect (noun) – religious group, faith community.
- Hazara (noun) – As an ethnic group, Hazaras have always lived on the edge of economic survival in Afghanistan. The recent persecution of Hazaras was not instigated by the Taliban but had existed for centuries. One of the main factors in Hazaras’ continued persecution is their Shi’a religious faith, their distinctive ethnic origins, as well as their having separate economic and political roots.
- liberalised (adjective) – relating to something (regulations/norms) less strict/more freedom.
- “e-Emergency X-Misc” visa (noun) – In view of the unfolding situation in Afghanistan, this new category of electronic visa is introduced with an aim to fast-track visa applications for entry into India.
- adverse (adjective) – dangerous, harmful, detrimental, unhealthy; unfavourable, disadvantageous, bad.
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The Hindu Editorial (Staying invested) – Aug 24, 2021

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