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The Hindu Editorial (​Staunch the breach) – Sep 21, 2024

The Hindu Editorial (​Staunch the breach) – Sep 21, 2024

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The Hindu Editorial (​Staunch the breach) – Sep 21, 2024:

  1. staunch (verb) – stop, halt, block, curb, stem, hold back, reduce, lessen, diminish.
  2. breach (noun) – contravention, infringement, violation, breaking, lack of compliance with, non-observance, defiance.
  3. treaty (noun) – agreement, pact, deal, contract.
  4. Indus Water Treaty (IWT) (noun) – Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) was signed on September 19, 1960, between India and Pakistan to share waters from the Indus system of rivers.
  5. drop (verb) – give up, stop, end, cease, discontinue, cancel, terminate, abandon, forgo, have done with, withdraw from.
  6. hard line (noun) – extreme, strict, uncompromising, inflexible, single-minded, unyielding.
  7. escalate (verb) – increase, intensify, accelerate, heighten, make more serious.
  8. call off (phrasal  verb) – cancel, abandon, shelve, scrap drop.
  9. commission (noun) – board, committee, panel, advisory body, council.
  10. Permanent Indus Commission (PIC) (noun) – it is a bilateral commission consisting of officials from India and Pakistan, created to implement and manage the goals and objectives and outlines of the Indus Waters Treaty.
  11. talks (noun) – discussions, dialogue, negotiation, consultation, deliberation.
  12. logjam (noun) – backlog, accumulation, pile-up, excess (of pending work).
  13. hold up (phrasal verb) – to use or present something as an example.
  14. millennium (noun) – a period of a thousand years
  15. tenet (noun) – principle, doctrine, precept, belief, conviction, idea, opinion, dogma.
  16. hold firm (phrase) – continue to support something despite opposition.
  17. adhere to (verb) – comply with, abide by, conform to, stand by, stick to, follow, obey, observe.
  18. lay out (phrasal verb) – plan, prepare, arrange, outline.
  19. allegation (noun) – charge, accusation
  20. resolution (noun) – solution, settlement.
  21. snowball (verb) – rise, increase, escalate (rapidly).
  22. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) (noun) – The Permanent Court of Arbitration, established by treaty in 1899, is an intergovernmental organization providing a variety of dispute resolution services to the international community.
  23. arbitration (noun) – mediation, mediatorship, negotiation, conciliation, peacemaking.
  24. regret (verb) – be sorry about something, to feel unhappy about something, to feel sad about something.
  25. World Bank (noun) – The World Bank is an international development organization owned by 187 countries. Its role is to reduce poverty by lending money to the governments of its poorer members to improve their economies and to improve the standard of living of their people. The World Bank was established in 1944 to help rebuild Europe and Japan after World War II. Its official name was the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
  26. signatory (noun) – the person who signed an official document/agreement. (in this context, it is a country that signs an agreement).
  27. guarantor (noun) – warrantor, surety; a person who provides a guarantee.
  28. parallel (adjective) – simultaneous, concurrent, corresponding, similar.
  29. mechanism (noun) – approach, medium, vehicle, instrument, apparatus.
  30. run (verb) – operate, perform, function, work.
  31. to make matters worse (phrase) – to make a difficult situation even more difficult; aggravate, compound, exacerbate.
  32. turn one’s back on (phrase) – abandon, give up, renounce, reject, decline, refuse, turn down, ignore, avoid, deny, disown
  33. neutral (adjective) – impartial, unbiased, non-partisan, open-minded, even-handed.
  34. boycott (verb) – avoid, shun, reject.
  35. hearing (noun) – lawsuit, proceedings, inquiry, legal proceedings, legal action.
  36. The Hague (proper noun) – A city on the North Sea coast of the western Netherlands. The city is also home to the U.N.’s International Court of Justice. The Hague is a metonym of The International Court of Justice (ICJ)/ World Court. (Metonym is used as an alternative for something else with which it is closely related/associated).
  37. cold (adjective) – indifferent, uncommunicative, unresponsive, unfriendly, unsympathetic, unwelcoming, stony.
  38. peril (noun) – danger, jeopardy, risk, difficulty.
  39. decade (noun) – a period of ten years.
  40. off-limits (phrase) – not to be mentioned or discussed.
  41. partisan (adjective) – biased, prejudiced, one-sided, discriminatory, inequitable.
  42. fiery (adjective) – passionate, fervent, aggressive, intense, strong.
  43. rhetoric (noun) – bombast, loftiness, hyperbole/extravagant language.
  44. perhaps (adverb) – maybe, possibly.
  45. egregious (adjective) – shocking, horrible/terrible, very bad.
  46. spiral (noun) – the process of deterioration, decline, decrease.
  47. mirror (verb) – reflect, repeat, match, reproduce, imitate.
  48. unravel (noun) – fall apart, fail, collapse, go wrong.
  49. bilateral (adjective) – involving two groups or countries.
  50. engagement (noun) – participation, taking part, involvement.
  51. Line of Control (LoC) (noun) – it is a 450 mile-long military control line lying between India and Pakistan’s controlled parts of the former (under the British) Jammu and Kashmir. This line is not actually a legally recognized international boundary but prevails as per de facto. After the Simla Agreement signed in July 1972, this line was officially renamed as “Line of Control” from “the Cease-fire Line”.
  52. ceasefire (noun) – a negotiated agreement that will be accompanied by other associated commitments to de-escalate the fighting; a temporary stoppage of war, truce, armistice.
  53. growing (adjective) – increasing.
  54. personnel (noun) – employees, workforce, staff.
  55. re-open (verb) – restart, resume, renew. 
  56. all eyes are on something (phrase) – it means that everyone is paying careful attention to something and wait for what will happen.
  57. Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) (noun) – The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a permanent intergovernmental international organisation, the creation of which was announced on 15 June 2001 in Shanghai (China). The SCO currently comprises eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) and is seen as a counterweight to NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization). It was established as a multilateral association to ensure security and maintain stability across the vast Eurasian region, join forces to counteract emerging challenges and threats, and enhance trade, as well as cultural and humanitarian cooperation.
  58. opening (noun) – moment, occasion, chance, opportunity.
  59. the way forward (phrase) – something (a plan/action) that leads to success in the future.
  60. new-age (adjective) – modern, current, latest, contemporary
  61. climate change (noun) – a long-term change in the Earth’s climate, or of a region on Earth.
  62. renewable energy (noun) – green energy, clean energy; energy generated from natural resources (such as water, wind & solar energy).
  63. hydropower (noun) – power derived from the energy of falling water or fast running water.
  64. necessitate (verb) – call for, require, demand, entail, make necessary.
  65. depressing (adjective) – discouraging, disquieting, distressing, disturbing, disheartening.
Note : 
1. Click each one of the words above for their definition, more synonyms, pronunciation, example sentences, phrases, derivatives, origin and etc. from
2. Definitions (elementary level) & Synonyms provided for the words above are my personal work and not that of Oxford University Press. Tentative definitions/meanings are provided for study purposes only and they may vary in a different context.  
3. This word list is for personal use only. Reproduction in any format and/or Commercial use of it is/are strictly prohibited.

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